Results for Category: Ancient Wisdom

Anise Monograph: Pimpinella Anisum
The following anise monograph is an example of the type of thorough, well-researched monographs available on our membership site, The Herbarium. This beautiful anise monograph is written by The Herbarium contributor, Michayla Conrad. Common Name: Anise burnet saxifrage, aniseed, anise, anise seed, sweet cumin Botanical Name: Pimpinella anisum L. Family Name: Apiaceae TCM Name: Hui…

Botany Beginnings: Who was Theophrastus?
Approximately 2,300 years ago, a time which we can somewhat imagine through the marble monuments still standing and the relatively...

Plantain Leaf Benefits and Recipes
Since the launch of The Foraging Course, we’ve had a renewed interest in the humble, helpful herbs that grow right outside our d...

New eBook! Cooling Herbs for Hot Summer Days
Summer days are ripe with joyful pleasures, including fresh lemonade, cool mornings in the garden, and lazy afternoons by the pool or pond. While there are many uplifting moments and simple joys of summer, many parts of the country also endure soaring temperatures that can feel nearly unbearable. Whether you experience jungle-like humidity or bone-dry…

How to Use Herbs to Rebuild from Burnout
Long-term stress takes a huge toll on one’s body and mind. Sometimes that stress can chip away at vital reserves and one’s sense of wellbeing, ultimately leading to a state of burnout. In digging into the exact meaning and causes for burnout, it is clear that its defining borders can be quite nebulous. Unlike depression,…

7 Reasons to Forage Wild Food and Herbs
Before the advent of agriculture, our ancestors were hunter-gatherers, relying on the wild food and herbs they brought home in the...

Purple Dead Nettle: Nutrition and Recipes
If you enjoy foraging and using plants that grow naturally around you, then purple dead nettle (Lamium purpureum) is a wonderful p...

Introducing Our NEW Foraging Class!
As herbalists, we are passionate about all things botanical, and foraging is top of the list! With spring in full swing and summer inching closer, we are enjoying our foraging forays and plan for even more time in the fields and forests as the green world bursts into a riot of growth! To make the…

Herbal Allergy Support Using Ayurvedic Herbs
Allergies manifest in many ways. There are food allergies, seasonal allergies, skin allergies, and allergic reactions to fragrances. As is the case with any health imbalance, it’s easy to get distracted by symptoms and acute discomfort. However, Ayurveda has a holistic approach to wellness—and allergy management follows that approach. In this article, you will learn…

The Four Humours of Ancient Greek Medicine: Ancient Thought in Modern Practice
Herbalism is an ancient practice with thousands of years of historical applications. Today, the well-recognized ancient traditions...