Results for Category: Herbal Recipes To Try

Homemade Butter with Lavender, Cardamom, and Fresh Flowers by Herbal Academy
  ON May 13,2024

Homemade Butter with Lavender, Cardamom, and Fresh Flowers

As we progress into spring and colorful, eye-popping buds open into bloom, you may be inspired to find more ways to incorporate edible flowers into your herbal preparations and culinary creations. Be it sweet or savory dishes, spreads, jams, or chutneys, edible flowers add color, flavor, and wellness benefits to everyday food items. Have you…

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In Bloom: Floral Tea Recipe for the Full Moon by Herbal Academy
  ON November 27,2023

In Bloom: Floral Tea Recipe for the Full Moon

For those who pay special attention to the lunar cycles, the Full Moon is commonly recognized as a time for manifestation and fruition. If the New Moon is auspicious for intention setting, rest, and reflection, the Full Moon is the time when our intentions and dreams flower into full form. As author and astrologer, Demetra…

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