Results for Category: Uncategorized

What’s the Difference Between Herbs and Spices? by Herbal Academy
  ON July 13,2024

What’s the Difference Between Herbs and Spices?

Food and beneficial herbs and spices are deeply intertwined with each other – so much so that one can often be misunderstood as another. However, knowing the difference between an herb and a spice is important for both culinary enthusiasts and herbalists especially when studying plants and working with them in the kitchen or home…

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  ON June 29,2022

5 Ways to Prepare Flowers

The following aromatic plant excerpt on ways to prepare flowers is from the book, “Botanicals With Benefits: Develop a New Relationship With Your Garden: The Edible Flower Volume” by Kerry Hughes, and is reprinted with permission. Kerry Hughes, MS, principal for EthnoPharm (, is an ethnobotanist, herbalist, and author with a 20-year record of success in natural…

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  ON June 10,2022

DIY Old-Fashioned Beard Oil: A Perfect Father’s Day Gift

A child’s first hero, protector, provider, teacher, and best friend, a father figure can be such a guiding force in a child’s life. The dad jokes, advice, and many memories throughout the years are something to be cherished. Families are a unique complexity as we all know. Some families you are born into and some…

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Mugwort Dream Pillow | Herbal Academy | butterfly by moonlight
  ON January 18,2021

Mugwort Dream Pillow for Natural Sleep Aid

Everybody wants to have good dreams, so what about combining good dreams with a natural sleep aid? Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) has been classified as an herbal oneirogen, which is a plant that produces or enhances dream-like states of consciousness (Barrett & McNamara, 2012). Unfortunately, most of the oneirogenic benefits of mugwort have not been scientifically…

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