5 Essential Herbs for the Herbalist in Your Home
Over my years of owning Sacred Vibes Apothecary, countless individuals have asked me what my top five essential herbs to have in the home are. Here, I am giving an official answer! As I would describe to my clients, the answer would typically depend on the season. Each season inspires my herb choices for maintaining…

Let’s Celebrate These 8 Plants That Are Associated With the Sun
As we slowly transition out of the depths of winter and, if we are fortunate, are blessed with sun-ray glimpses of spring, this can be an excellent time to celebrate plants associated with the Sun. If you are familiar with herbal systems that place a strong emphasis on the energetics of herbs, such as Ayurveda…

Antioxidant Herbal Power Punch With a Classic Fruity Flavor
Spring has sprung, and even though we’re not exactly feeling the truth of that up in the northeastern United States, I am hopeful that warmer weather is on the way–so hopeful that I have been preemptively planning and practicing my go-to beverages for summer as if I could will the passing of these cold days…

Aviva Romm’s Gentle Evening Tea
We are delighted to welcome Dr. Aviva Romm, physician, herbalist, mother, and midwife, as she shares this gentle evening tea, a calming blend that makes every evening a celebration! In this blend, Aviva includes three familiar herbs and shares her blend in the video below. Aviva is the author of multiple books, including Hormone Intelligence,…

How to Make Linden Love Tea to Uplift Your Heart and Soul
This gentle Linden Love Tea recipe we are sharing below soothes the energetic heart and is taken from our Intermediate Herbal Course. It’s the perfect thing to add to your herbal toolkit as a way to uplift yourself emotionally and soothe heartache and grief. While many of us feel all the love that’s in the…

Herbal Support for Pregnancy Nausea
Pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can affect up to 85% of pregnancies to varying degrees. Although a small amount of people do experience pregnancy nausea during their entire pregnancy (as in hyperemesis gravidarum), it normally starts around 4 to 9 weeks and usually subsides by 12 to 16 weeks (Romm, 2014). There are different theories as…

DIY Cold and Flu Bombs With Immune-Stimulating Herbs
We are all well aware of the looming cold and flu season that is approaching. As it inches its way closer, we are stocking our herbal pantries with strong allies like elder, echinacea, ginger, and thyme, among others. One option for utilizing these herbs is by making a simple recipe like these DIY cold and…

Chamomile Canna Bedtime Biscuits Recipe
With the launch of our new Canna+ Herbs Course, we’ve been exploring the many ways you can safely and responsibly invite cannabis (Cannabis sativa) into your herbal practice with intention and respect. One of our favorite ways to do that is to use cannabis-infused oils and butters in culinary creations. But before we dive into…

DIY Chamomile Teething Gummies: Herbal Support for Teething Babies
Sleepless nights are a part of parenthood, particularly during teething. Some babies are quite distressed by this process, and the associated pain can leave them feeling uncomfortable and unsettled night and day. The time frame of when the first teeth erupt varies from child to child. For example, one child may already be teething at…

Baby’s First Herbal Bath Soak
A bath ritual not only provides cleansing and care for a baby, but also deep relaxation and well-being! Newborns especially feel very comfortable in warm water, as it reminds them of the protected time in the womb. In this article, you will find a recipe for a baby’s very first herbal bath soak with natural…