Results for Category: beverages

A Blush Rose Gimlet Recipe That is Both Refreshing and Captivating by Herbal Academy
  ON June 21,2024

A Blush Rose Gimlet Recipe That is Both Refreshing and Captivating

In this ultimate guide to seasonal herbs, Seasonal Living with Herbs is a transformative book written by Jess Buttermore that explores the supportive, culinary, and crafting uses of herbs. This is a go-to resource for discovering the extraordinary benefits of nature’s bounty. Learn how to preserve herbs and harness their medicinal properties, explore creative ways…

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In Bloom: Floral Tea Recipe for the Full Moon by Herbal Academy
  ON November 27,2023

In Bloom: Floral Tea Recipe for the Full Moon

For those who pay special attention to the lunar cycles, the Full Moon is commonly recognized as a time for manifestation and fruition. If the New Moon is auspicious for intention setting, rest, and reflection, the Full Moon is the time when our intentions and dreams flower into full form. As author and astrologer, Demetra…

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  ON August 09,2023

A Refreshing Basil & Thyme Coconut Water Limeade

If you are reading this in mid to late summer, depending on the part of the globe where you reside, the summer heat may be as strong as it gets. This means that staying hydrated during this time is more important than ever. But we hear you—drinking plain water in the necessary amount of 2-3…

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  ON May 16,2023

Antioxidant Herbal Power Punch With a Classic Fruity Flavor

Spring has sprung, and even though we’re not exactly feeling the truth of that up in the northeastern United States, I am hopeful that warmer weather is on the way–so hopeful that I have been preemptively planning and practicing my go-to beverages for summer as if I could will the passing of these cold days…

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  ON April 13,2023

Aviva Romm’s Gentle Evening Tea

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Aviva Romm, physician, herbalist, mother, and midwife, as she shares this gentle evening tea, a calming blend that makes every evening a celebration! In this blend, Aviva includes three familiar herbs and shares her blend in the video below. Aviva is the author of multiple books, including Hormone Intelligence,…

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