Results for Category: Herbal teas
How to Make Linden Love Tea to Uplift Your Heart and Soul
This gentle Linden Love Tea recipe we are sharing below soothes the energetic heart and is taken from our Intermediate Herbal Course. It’s the perfect thing to add to your herbal toolkit as a way to uplift yourself emotionally and soothe heartache and grief. While many of us feel all the love that’s in the…
Nourishing Matcha Tea Recipe With Lion’s Mane
Want to start your day with energy, but skip the intensity of coffee? Look no further than this Lion’s Mane Matcha recipe! This ...
How to Make Your Own Tea Blends + a Soothing Sleep Tea Recipe
Have you ever tried an herbal tea that was so delicious you just couldn’t put it down? What about one that you couldn’t finish...
A Healthy Nursing Tea Blend to Increase Milk Supply and Nourish Your Baby
Nursing is a close, intimate, and emotional relationship between a parent and child. Nourishing your baby and bonding over this special experience and unique relationship can be a meaningful experience. But it is not always an easy journey. Especially at the beginning, it can be quite challenging for new parents. To achieve an effective latch…
How to Make a Simple Chai Syrup
I love any opportunity to share the richness of relationships with plants and have always felt that handmade gifts are the most precious. There’s nothing like gifting friends and family your time and energy, packaged up, with handwritten labels, just brimming with love. This is why for Christmas this year I am offering a little…
Nerve Tea With Oatstraw and Skullcap
This herbal nerve tea recipe combines skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), a superior relaxing nervine, oatstraw (Avena sativa), a ...
Summer Solstice Sun Tea Recipes
The clouds make way, the night lessens, and the sun shines brightly as ever. It is the summer solstice—the longest day of the ye...
Moon Cycle Tea for Painful Period Cramps
Many people have experienced painful period cramps at some point. Period cramps may be anywhere from mild to debilitating, making someone want to stay in bed all day long. Severe period pain is not normal and warrants a professional assessment as it can be a sign of conditions such as endometriosis. Mild to moderate pain…
Meadowsweet Tea With Rose
This meadowsweet tea recipe offers a chance to calm the mind and gently soothe aches and pains while hydrating the body. A great way to practice self-care, this cup of herbal tea contains ingredients known to quiet a busy mind. Also known as Queen of the Meadow, meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) flower appears to have analgesic…
Damiana and Vanilla Cordial
Homemade vanilla cordial with damiana is a lovely introduction to using vanilla as a home herbal. While used widely as a flavoring...