Results for Category: Natural Beauty
Best Herbal Oils for Homemade Soaps
In my five years of professional soapmaking, I’ve discovered herbal oils are a true luxury that adds vitality to homemade soap. Our skin is alive, but lifeless chemicals cannot give back life to the skin. To be “alive,” beauty products and topical formulas should be made purely of plant-based and natural ingredients (Raichur,1997). As the…
Plantain Leaf Benefits and Recipes
Since the launch of The Foraging Course, we’ve had a renewed interest in the humble, helpful herbs that grow right outside our d...
3 DIY Honey Face Wash Recipes For Your Constitution
I once heard that you should never put anything on your skin that you wouldn’t eat. Truly, caring for your skin is as important ...
Video: Rose Helichrysum Skin Serum
Herbal serums are versatile skin care preparations that can be crafted for a variety of skin types and imbalances. They’re also really quick and easy to make! Below, we’re sharing how to make a favorite everyday skin serum that works to tone, moisturize, and calm sensitive skin. This tutorial video and printable recipe is from…
How To Find The Best Holistic Skin Care Routine For You
Beauty is certainly more than skin deep. However, the health and beauty of your skin should not be overlooked or dismissed as a matter of mere aesthetics. Your skin serves as far more than a lovely facade. Skin tissue is not only vital for physical protection; it is also a clear reflection of the body’s…
A DIY Floral Delight Soap Recipe You’ll Love!
The craft of soapmaking is regaining popularity as people become more interested in learning more about traditional skills and hom...
How To Make A Clarifying Facial Toner
One of the first steps to achieve clear skin begins on the inside of the body by eating a healthy diet and drinking plenty of wate...
Video: Mediterranean Garden Lotion Bars
Like body butters, lotion bars are incredibly quick and easy to make. Not only that, but they are easy to apply to any area of the body by simply smoothing the bar over the skin and allowing your body heat to melt them into the skin. Lotion bars also do not contain any water-based ingredients,…
3 Steps for an Herbal-Infused Pedicure for Beautiful Nails and Soft Feet
Do you live in a warm climate and sport sandals daily or tread often in bare feet? Regardless of the climate you live in or the frequency with which you walk barefoot, your feet can easily become tired and worn. Don’t neglect the bottom of your soles, heels, or nails! Each can truly benefit from…
DIY Herbal Hair Serum For Silky Soft Hair
There is nothing quite so luxurious as running your hands through silky soft hair. Although you might think you can only achieve t...