3 Supportive Uses for Peppermint You Need to Know
A cheerful mint whose flavor and aroma have inspired candy canes, chewing gum, breath mints, and holiday goodies of all sorts, the uses for peppermint (Mentha x piperita) leaf as a versatile herb with numerous botanical benefits and usages are many. With a long history among Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Chinese, and Japanese cultures, peppermint is…

Herbal Academy Student Feature: Amber Benge (@gracewalkfarm)
Amber Benge (@gracewalkfarm) is the owner of Grace Walk Farm where she teaches a gardening course, making money on a homestead, how to grow zinnias, and more! She is also a graduate of Herbal Academy’s The Foraging Course, Introductory Herbal Course, and the Herbal Materia Medica Course. She also ministers to her family, neighbors, and…

How to Build a Culinary Kitchen for Herbalists
The following excerpt is taken from the book Foraged & Grown by Tara Lanich-LaBrie. Tara takes us on a culinary kitchen journey to reconnect with our body and the natural world with 100 plant-inspired recipes. Foraged and Grown is a herbalist’s culinary kitchen journey through the seasons with recipes that highlight herbal ingredients and share…

Lunar Herbalism: Plants Associated with the Moon
Studying the relationship between our botanical allies and planetary bodies is another way to understand plant energetics from a broad (perhaps universal!) perspective. This article will explore how certain herbs exemplify and express the qualities of one of our most beloved luminaries, the Moon. As we deepen our relationship with plants and nature, we may…

How to Choose Herbs for Sleep
In her new book, Herbal Remedies for Sleep: How to Use Healing Herbs And Natural Therapies to Ease Stress, Promote Relaxation, and Encourage Healthy Sleep Habits, Maria Noel Groves, RH(AHG), weaves her surefooted experience with lifestyle choices, herbal supports, practical tips for herbal usage, and a treasure trove of enticing recipes to help readers feel…

How Do You Know if an Herb is Sustainable?
In our new Sustainable Herbal Supply Chain Intensive available in The Herbarium, you’ll learn how to discern quality herbs and understand their place, and yours, in the functional supply chain. This excerpt from the Intensive sheds light on what makes an herb high quality and how the global supply chain influences the quality of an…

Herbal Academy Student Feature: Grace Jones (@gunkinthewoods)
We spoke with Grace Jones (@gunkinthewoods), graduate of Herbal Academy’s Introductory Herbal Course, Intermediate Herbal Course, and Advanced Herbal Course. Grace is the owner of Gunk in the Woods where she sells herbal products, art, apparel, and more. She also runs a neighborhood kids garden club, and is the co-creator of Seasoned, a farm-to-table herbal…

Let’s Celebrate These 8 Plants That Are Associated With the Sun
As we slowly transition out of the depths of winter and, if we are fortunate, are blessed with sun-ray glimpses of spring, this can be an excellent time to celebrate plants associated with the Sun. If you are familiar with herbal systems that place a strong emphasis on the energetics of herbs, such as Ayurveda…

Better for Your Health: How to Leave Out the White Sugar and Use Alternative Sweeteners in Food and Herbal Preparations
The sweet flavor is a coveted one by humans, and for good reason. Throughout our history as a species, we have spent a great amount of time locating food sources. Whenever we stumbled upon juicy fruits or sweet tuberous roots, these foods equaled not only a delicious find but also our survival. The sweet flavor…

An Easy Ginger and Pomegranate Syrup Recipe for Both Sweet and Savory Dishes
In the fruits of antiquity through to today’s produce sections, there exists a singular food bearing a reddish-yellow peel and gem-like seeds – the pomegranate (Punica granatum). This cherished plant transcends mere taste. Though its sweet, sour, and astringent nature is a delightful treat, pomegranate has played a larger role than just a simple food…