5 Easy to Grow Perennial Herbs for Busy Gardeners
For anyone who has attempted gardening, it can be hugely disappointing to spend an entire weekend setting up your garden and then watch your garden plants decline or wither because you were wrapped up in work and life responsibilities and didn’t have time to take care of it. On the other hand, having a garden…

Herbs and Lifestyle Tips for Work-Life Balance
We live in challenging times; for many, balancing work, childcare, parental caretaking, and overseeing children’s education requirements is exhausting. Over the past decade, we have continued to experience the erosion of boundaries between work and home life. Yet, today, the impact of a worldwide pandemic has compounded the challenges of maintaining this work-life balance as…

Mom’s Chamomile Tea Recipe with Lemon Balm and Linden Flower
Chamomile tea made from chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower with lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaf and linden (Tilia cordata) flower and bract is a relaxing blend for any new mother. Gentle herbs known for their stress-relieving tendencies and nerve-soothing effects are the perfect ingredients for this hand-blended chamomile tea recipe, which can be enjoyed daily. Chamomile…

Easy DIY Bee Sting Poultice
Let’s face it: as beautiful and amazing as it is to be outdoors in nature with the birds and the bees—sometimes you get stung! Whether you are hard at work gardening, on a hike, or even just wandering around your city, bee stings can happen anywhere. Luckily for us, once you learn how to prepare…

8 Herbs That Calm The Anxious Mind
It may feel like today’s world is in a state of upheaval with social, political, and economic issues stirring up emotions inside of each of us. These emotions are often generically labeled as stress, and while that may be the case, acute stress has a tendency to become chronic stress if not properly addressed, and…

A Delicious Tummy Tamer Glycerite for the Whole Family
Like me, you may periodically experience trouble with digestion after a big meal with symptoms including stomach cramps, gas, pain, bloating, and general unease. For many years, I searched unsuccessfully for a formula to ease my stomach and gastrointestinal issues. I found that over-the-counter formulas were too harsh and contained unwanted side effects. Unfortunately, some…

3 Calming Herbs to Support ADHD & Cognition
Many different herbs can be incorporated into a successful herbal protocol that helps support attention, cognition, and mood in those with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Whether it is you struggling with ADHD or you are working with a child, family member, or a client, approach the topic with compassion and an open mind. In doing so,…

How To Stay Calm and Cool with Lemon Balm Lemonade
Are you ready for the summer heat? In this post, I’ll show you how to make lemon balm lemonade. Stay calm, cool, and hydrated all summer long with this herbal twist on an old favorite. Summer Days While summer is a time of lazy days and longer nights, it can also be busy and full…

3 Nervine Herbs to Help Soothe Stress
This article is excerpted from the Herbal Self-Care for Stress Management Course at the Herbal Academy. It is no secret that modern day life is rife with stress. While many of us have become experts at adapting to and performing under stressful conditions, the truth is that chronic stress takes its toll on all aspects…

11 Herbs of King Arthur’s England
In southwest England, in Somerset, sits the town of Glastonbury, a quaint historical town that has been inhabited since 7th millennium BCE (Glastonbury, n.d.). This area has always felt magical to many people as it’s thought by some to be the location of the magical island of Avalon from the famous King Arthur tale that…