A Toast With Spring Sting Nettle Cocktail From the Botanical Mixed Drinks Recipe Book
Herbalists Jane Metzger and Amber Meyers offer up a toast in the spirit of Herbalist Day with a fun and special celebratory twist on nettle tea! This recipe is shared as a sneak peek into the Herbal Academy’s newest recipe book, the Botanical Mixed Drinks Recipe Book – a collection of 82 cocktails and mocktails inspired…

A Fresh Green Juice Recipe With Alterative Herbs
Spring is finally here. The days are getting longer and the sunlight more intense, which allows the first herbs of the season to appear again with full fresh energy. After a long winter, we crave a little reawakening. Fresh herbs that are lush and green are an ideal choice in spring to kickstart this change…

A Family Herb: Stinging Nettle Leaf Uses
The first plants to rise up in the spring, gracing the world with green, often include the very herbs we can most successfully use to be healthy and strong. It’s seasonal herbalism at its best with healthful weedy plants such as dandelions, violets, and chickweed expressing their vitality by simply growing all on their own…

Allergy Home Remedies For Families
Springtime brings the waking of green things from the Earth. The air is fresh and wild, and we feel called to the out-of-doors, to nature. Yet for some of us warmer weather is also the harbinger of, well, misery. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or someone in your family does, you know that the…

12 Nettle Recipes To Add To Your Cookbook
It is spring, and to many of us that means time to watch for the nettle. Long ago, our ancestors also watched for the first greens of spring after a hard winter with nutritional foods in short supply. As soon as they were able, they harvested nettle and incorporated its revitalizing nutrition into their diets. Nutritionally, nettle is one of nature’s…

Stinging Nettle Plant: A Spring Favorite
Many herbalists can hardly wait for spring to nourish their bodies naturally with fresh greens from the earth. Much like our ancestors, we harvest (learn how) the highly nutritious nettle, incorporate it into our diets, and dry enough to get us to next spring. Nettle (Urtica dioica) has fulfilled many needs for humans in the past. It has…

Stinging Nettle
What plant has the highest amount of protein, by weight, of any plant? Hint: it’s not a bean, lentil, or pea, and you can gather it yourself in wild and not-so-wild places. The answer is stinging nettle. Stinging nettle is an amazing superfood vegetable that is not only high in protein but also in calcium, magnesium, iron,…