ON January 14,2025

How to Prepare Herbal Oil for Hair Growth

If you experience hair loss or thinning hair, you are not alone. In fact, an estimated 50% of men and 25% of women will face noticeable hair thinning or loss by the age of 50 (D., 2024). For many, the first instinct is to reach for store-bought products, but these are often costly and full…

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Refresh Your Summer: Try This Herbal-Infused Slushie Recipe! by Herbal Academy
  ON August 23,2024

Refresh Your Summer: Try This Herbal-Infused Slushie Recipe!

Who needs a summer cool-down treat? This delightful herbal-infused slushie recipe is just the thing you need to beat the heat! Unlike the artificially colored and flavored slushies you may have seen during childhood trips to amusement parks, this frozen treat is made of botanical ingredients that delight the senses and benefit the body and…

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A Calming Yet Energizing Lavender Matcha Latte Recipe by Herbal Academy
  ON July 26,2024

A Calming Yet Energizing Lavender Matcha Latte Recipe

Matcha has hit the caffeinated beverage scene with a bright green splash, but most people still don’t know much about it. Matcha is a type of green tea with a long history of traditional use in China that has been popularized in modern Japanese tea rituals. It is made by grinding the shade-grown Camellia sinensis…

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Homemade Butter with Lavender, Cardamom, and Fresh Flowers by Herbal Academy
  ON May 13,2024

Homemade Butter with Lavender, Cardamom, and Fresh Flowers

As we progress into spring and colorful, eye-popping buds open into bloom, you may be inspired to find more ways to incorporate edible flowers into your herbal preparations and culinary creations. Be it sweet or savory dishes, spreads, jams, or chutneys, edible flowers add color, flavor, and wellness benefits to everyday food items. Have you…

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Lunar Herbalism: Plants Associated with the Moon by Herbal Academy
  ON April 10,2024

Lunar Herbalism: Plants Associated with the Moon

Studying the relationship between our botanical allies and planetary bodies is another way to understand plant energetics from a broad (perhaps universal!) perspective. This article will explore how certain herbs exemplify and express the qualities of one of our most beloved luminaries, the Moon.  As we deepen our relationship with plants and nature, we may…

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  ON August 17,2023

How to Make Lavender Shower Steamers

Shower steamers are like a bath bomb for the shower, and they will elevate your showering experience in the same way a bath bomb levels up your bathing experience. A small scented puck you can put in the bottom of your shower to envelop yourself in scent and transform your bathroom into an aromatherapeutic experience,…

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  ON June 20,2023

How Does Scent Affect Mood?

On an intuitive and experiential level, many of us are aware of the connection between scent and mood. Though some may tune into the significance of scent more consciously than others, our sense of smell is intimately related to our emotions and even cognitive function and spatial awareness (Fifth Sense, 2021). Furthermore, appealing scents enhance…

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  ON April 13,2023

Aviva Romm’s Gentle Evening Tea

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Aviva Romm, physician, herbalist, mother, and midwife, as she shares this gentle evening tea, a calming blend that makes every evening a celebration! In this blend, Aviva includes three familiar herbs and shares her blend in the video below. Aviva is the author of multiple books, including Hormone Intelligence,…

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  ON July 26,2022

Baby’s First Herbal Bath Soak

A bath ritual not only provides cleansing and care for a baby, but also deep relaxation and well-being! Newborns especially feel very comfortable in warm water, as it reminds them of the protected time in the womb. In this article, you will find a recipe for a baby’s very first herbal bath soak with natural…

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