Herbal Academy Student Feature: Andrea Minniti (@divinebalanceco)
For this installment of our Student Feature series, we spoke with Andrea Minniti (@divinebalanceco), owner of Divine Balance Co., where she strives to provide elevated creations to give your self-care routine a boost of magical bliss. From handmade crystal tea infusers and tea accessories to bath soaks and facial steams, Divine Balance Co. is just that—finding…

How to Make a Cold-Infused Wild Soda
The following excerpt and wild soda recipes are from Pascal Baudar’s book The Wildcrafter Brewer (Chelsea Green Publishing, Feb. 2018) and is reprinted with permission from the publisher. This method is fantastic for making quick sodas out of your favorite hiking place or to study the flavors of whole environments. Unlike most beers, you really…

How to Make an Herbal Fever Ease Syrup
You may have heard that there’s a nationwide shortage of children’s acetaminophen and ibuprofen—critical fever reducers for children with respiratory viruses! While there’s no replacement for these medications when fevers are dangerously high, there are a few herbal allies that can help to gently encourage the resolution of a fever (and even help with the…

Herbal Blood Sugar Balance Recipe
A hot topic that has been circulating lately is the importance of blood sugar balance. Glycemia, also known as blood sugar level or blood glucose level, is the measure of glucose concentration in the blood. This level fluctuates throughout the day and is affected by the food you eat, your lifestyle, hormones, and even your…

How to Make Coffee Extract + A Dark Chocolate Delights Recipe
Aside from being one of the most popular morning wake-up beverages, the coffee bean (Coffea spp.) is a plant that offers a range of health benefits. For many coffee drinkers, sipping a morning cup of coffee is a cherished ritual—it’s not just about the caffeine pick-me-up, but also about the smell, flavor, aroma, and brewing…

How to Make Newspaper Seedling Pots for Your Garden This Year
Growing food in your backyard (or even on a porch or windowsill) is one of the simplest and most rewarding ways to nourish yourself, be self-sufficient, and connect with nature in a hands-on way. The following excerpt is taken from Gardening for Everyone by sustainability expert Julia Watkins which shares everything you need to know…

Using a NRCS Grant-Funded High Tunnel Gardening System to Grow my Herbal Business
Kendra Payne is the founder and operator of The Herbal Scoop and graduate of several Herbal Academy courses. She is an herbalist entrepreneur to the core, and in this vlog, Kendra shares how she is expanding her herbal business, a discovery-based herbal botanical shop and herb farm, by installing a High Tunnel Gardening System, commonly…

To Pot or Plot: The Advantages of Container Gardening
Whether you’re planning your garden for the first or the fiftieth time this spring, deciding what to plant where is an essential part of the process. Whether to pot or plot the plant in your garden should be part of your considerations. You may choose container gardening if you have a lack of traditional garden…

Respiratory Support Honey for Spring Allergies
The following book excerpt is taken from The Herbal Kitchen by Kami McBride and used with permission. If you’re an herb nerd with spring allergies, you face a bit of a conundrum. While the Earth bursts with color and birdsong, you might feel the urge to run indoors instead of out. But as we head…

Herbal Academy Student Feature: Jess Buttermore (@cedarhouseliving)
For this installment of our Student Feature series, we spoke with Jess Buttermore (@cedarhouseliving), owner of Cedar House Living LLC, where she shares her photography, gardening, crafting, and writing skills, and sells seasonal living items including flower and herb seeds, dahlia tubers, gardening guides, handmade herbal goods, and even sourdough starter packs. Jess has completed…