10 Ways To Inspire Herbal Curiosity In Children | Herbal Academy | Here are 10 ways you can inspire herbal curiosity in children by using nature.
7 Mar 2016

10 Ways To Inspire Herbal Curiosity In Children

Spending time with children in the natural world is enjoyable and enlightening. Children notice far more than we do because they are newer to all of creation and much more curious.

But, as adults, where does curiosity go? We adults tend to exchange our curiosity for a more pragmatic acceptance of the way things are.

To reawaken this child-like curiosity in ourselves we can take a child on a walk and wonder along with them.

“Why do bees buzz; where do ants live; and look, there’s my shadow!”

It’s at this very early age that we can share with them a deep reverence and respect for all of nature.

Below you can find some of our favorite posts on inspiring herbal curiosity with children from the Herbal Academy writers over the years. We hope this will encourage you, not only in teaching your child about herbal curiosity, but with your own curiosity as well.

10 Ways To Inspire Herbal Curiosity In Children | Herbal Academy | Here are 10 ways you can inspire herbal curiosity in children by using nature.

10 Ways To Inspire Herbal Curiosity In Children

  1. Herbal Honey Recipes For Kids
  2. Adventures In The Herb Garden
  3. Plant A Magical Living Fort For Kids
  4. How To Make A Child’s Herbal Sock Bath
  5. Natural Homemade Lip Balm For Kids
  6. A Child’s Winter Herb Garden
  7. Learning About The Rose Family With Kids
  8. Host A Kid’s DIY Spa Day In Your Backyard
  9. Start Your Herb Garden
  10. A Kid’s Herbal Pharmacy
What about you? How do you share the wonder of herbs with your children? How do they inspire creativity in you? Share with us in the comments below!