Valentine's Day Treats & Words To Love By | Herbal Academy | 6 real food recipes that will make your mouth water! These Valentine's Day Treats are the perfect romantic desserts for you and your special someone.
7 Feb 2014

Valentine’s Day Treats & Words To Love By

Baby it’s cold outside, but it’s warming up in the kitchen. We’ve wrangled up our favorite posts to get you inspired to celebrate love, from romantic desserts for two to flowery Valentine’s Day treats to share with friends!

Something homemade can go a long way. Instead of waiting for a table, in a busy restaurant, where words are lost in a cacophony of conversation. Have a more intimate evening right in your own home. You don’t have to be paired up romantically either to enjoy and celebrate love. Round up your friends, or even get ready for a much needed solo evening.Valentine's Day Treats & Words To Love By | Herbal Academy | 6 real food recipes that will make your mouth water! These Valentine's Day Treats are the perfect romantic desserts for you and your special someone.

Valentine’s Day Treats Made With Flowers

Flowers in February are cozied up in bouquets, but this year, why not squeeze them into a delicious recipe? Chamomile and Rose are two beautiful flowers that make for picturesque treats. These posts below could be used to take a little time for two, a few, or just for you. Also, giving your body the love and care it needs is always a good idea.

Self-care and self-love is one of the best relationships you can have. Loving and taking proper care of ourselves allows you to put your best foot forward each day. Although we may turn to boxes of chocolates, cupcakes, and candy for a little soul-feeding, it is just as soulfully sweet to have healthy treats. Life is always a balance, we’ve got the brain fuel and food fuel to swing you back to center.

Lemon-Rose Raspberry Parfait

Chamo-Berry Banana Smoothie

Berry Bok Choy Chia Smoothie

Tulsi Rose Latte

Valentine's Day Treats & Words To Love By | Herbal Academy | 6 real food recipes that will make your mouth water! These Valentine's Day Treats are the perfect romantic desserts for you and your special someone.

Sweet Desserts With A Healthy Twist

Indulgence is always on the list when it comes to Valentine’s, here at the Herbal Academy, we like to indulge in delicious with a healthy twist. These recipes are no doubt decadent, but are healthy enough, you could have them throughout your Valentine’s week or month!

Valentine’s Day Hot Chocolate

Chocolate For My Love Pudding

Cacao Dusted Peanut Butter Cookies

With love from HANE to you, we hope you have a warm and cozy Valentine’s.

This article is written by Lena Yakubowski, yoga teacher and communications assistant at the Herbal Academy of New England. Photos by Lena.

Valentine's Day Treats & Words To Love By | Herbal Academy | 6 real food recipes that will make your mouth water! These Valentine's Day Treats are the perfect romantic desserts for you and your special someone.