Happy Days Herbal Mocktail Recipe That Will Uplift Your Spirits by Herbal Academy
  ON March 22,2025

Happy Days Herbal Mocktail Recipe That Will Uplift Your Spirits

We have a little herbal magic to introduce you to, the Happy Days Herbal Mocktail—this is a concoction that can uplift the spirit with the properties of St. John’s wort, warm any day with zest of ginger, and add a dash of sunshine brightness with the addition of grapefruit juice. This mocktail carries the wisdom…

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5 Herbs for Mental Health Support by Herbal Academy
  ON January 10,2024

5 Herbs for Mental Health Support

It’s that time of year again. The seasons are shifting, and while we savor the beauty of changing seasons, some also mourn the end of warm weather as the clouds roll in and the cooler weather settles. Many people struggle with mental health issues, and oftentimes these feelings can seem amplified in the wintertime. Note:…

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  ON November 12,2022

Herbs for Health and Cheer During Winter

As we head into the darker, cooler months of winter, many of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and activities of the holidays. Some of us may pine for quiet snow days and the opportunity to turn within and reflect. Or, depending on where you live, winter may take on a slightly different flavor….

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St. John's Wort: Not Just For Depression | Herbal Academy | St. John's Wort is not just an herb for depression. From soothing topical uses to supporting the immune system, you'll learn to appreciate the many uses of this herb!
  ON May 15,2017

St. John’s Wort: Not Just For Depression

Stumbling upon a field of wildly growing St. John’s wort (Hypericum perforatum) is like discovering a ray of Earth-bound sunshine. Profuse bright, happy yellow flowers hint at this plant’s well-known use for soothing those suffering from depression. Yet, those cheery flowers hold many more herbal actions and uses within than most of us are familiar…

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St. John's wort
  ON July 02,2013

St. John’s Wort: Herbs We Love For Summer

The summer herb of the week is St. John’s wort, also known commonly as touch-and-heal, goatweed, hypericum, johnswort, klamath weed, rosin rose, St. John’s grass, and tipton weed. St. John’s wort is an herbaceous perennial in the St. Johnswort family (Hypericaceae). You will find it growing in the fields and meadows and along roadsides and forests from…

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