How to Make Linden Love Tea to Uplift Your Heart and Soul
This gentle Linden Love Tea recipe we are sharing below soothes the energetic heart and is taken from our Intermediate Herbal Course. It’s the perfect thing to add to your herbal toolkit as a way to uplift yourself emotionally and soothe heartache and grief. While many of us feel all the love that’s in the…

Mom’s Chamomile Tea Recipe with Lemon Balm and Linden Flower
Chamomile tea made from chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) flower with lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) leaf and linden (Tilia cordata) flower and bract is a relaxing blend for any new mother. Gentle herbs known for their stress-relieving tendencies and nerve-soothing effects are the perfect ingredients for this hand-blended chamomile tea recipe, which can be enjoyed daily. Chamomile…