Cheers to a Nourishing New Year With a Gingerbread Latte Recipe by Herbal Academy
  ON December 29,2023

Cheers to a Nourishing New Year With a Gingerbread Latte Recipe

New Year’s Eve is an exciting time to celebrate and usher in a fresh new start! A night filled with reflective moments, resolutions, traditions, and delicious food and beverages. We want to help you raise a glass of gingerbread latte filled with nourishing herbs, spices, and ingredients to end the year right.  This spiced gingerbread…

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Waning Moon Herbal Mix For Deep Nourishment by Herbal Academy
  ON December 26,2023

Waning Moon Herbal Mix For Deep Nourishment

When you observe the flow of your energy cycles during any given month you may notice that your energy ebbs and flows. Sometimes you need to hang out in an eddy; other times you are flowing forward at full force. During any lunar cycle, we tend to have times of heightened creativity, activity, and extroversion…

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Chai Spice Bath Melts Recipe by Herbal Academy
  ON November 30,2023

Let Your Winter Cares Melt Away With These Chai Spice Bath Melts

While many are familiar with the comforting experience of sipping a warm cup of chai, here at the Herbal Academy we have concocted another way to engage the properties of these herbs— chai spice bath melts. In this exploration, we will delve into masala chai herbs and learn how to create chai spice bath melts…

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Connecting With the Season of Roots | The Herbal Academy | Different plants are at their peak during certain times of their growing seasons. Learn to connect with the roots of each season.
  ON July 31,2023

5 Common Spices to Use for Everyday Health

The following excerpt, 5 Common Spices to Use for Everyday Health, is taken from Spice Apothecary© by Bevin Clare. Used with permission from Storey Publishing. HEALTHY CONNECTIONS: SKIN, BONES, AND JOINTS Our skin is the organ that interacts most with the world. A dynamic and responsive organ, it contends with all kinds of impacts and…

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  ON December 09,2022

Herbal Support for Pregnancy Nausea

Pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting can affect up to 85% of pregnancies to varying degrees. Although a small amount of people do experience pregnancy nausea during their entire pregnancy (as in hyperemesis gravidarum), it normally starts around 4 to 9 weeks and usually subsides by 12 to 16 weeks (Romm, 2014). There are different theories as…

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  ON November 12,2022

Herbs for Health and Cheer During Winter

As we head into the darker, cooler months of winter, many of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and activities of the holidays. Some of us may pine for quiet snow days and the opportunity to turn within and reflect. Or, depending on where you live, winter may take on a slightly different flavor….

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  ON November 05,2022

DIY Cold and Flu Bombs With Immune-Stimulating Herbs

We are all well aware of the looming cold and flu season that is approaching. As it inches its way closer, we are stocking our herbal pantries with strong allies like elder, echinacea, ginger, and thyme, among others. One option for utilizing these herbs is by making a simple recipe like these DIY cold and…

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