3 Foraging Inspired Recipes for Autumn
These mushroom burgers, mushroom tart, and walnut pie were inspired by a foraging outing in the woods. This particular walk in the woods was the first time I collected large parasol mushrooms. I used them for dinner (délicious!) to make mushroom burgers fried in buckwheat flour and black sesame seeds. I also incorporated the mushrooms…

5 Autumn Spices for the Herbalist’s Kitchen
I adore autumn, and yet I find it a bittersweet time of year, being the harbinger of the cold, dark days of winter. Whether or not you welcome the transition from the heat of summer to the cool of autumn and winter, adjusting your foods, spices, and herbs to fit the season is one important…

Pumpkin Spice Wellness Benefits You Should Know About
It’s officially fall in North America. Many things hearken this wonderful transitional season: cozy sweaters, big scarves, falling leaves, scary movies, and treasured final harvests from vegetable gardens. Few things are more emblematic to the season, however than pumpkin spice. It’s a flavor that many find entirely comforting. Feelings associated with the blend of spices…

How to Make a DIY Autumn Root Tonic
When autumn begins to show its signs—earthy colors, golden afternoons, and crisp evening air—it may be a good time to utilize a particular plant part within your herbal toolkit: roots. Herbal roots can be used to make a delicious autumn root tonic to support your vitality, especially as the season begins to change. Making this…

Herbal Roots 101: How to Prepare and Use Roots for Wellness
Autumn is here, and by now, most plants have gone to seed. The vibrant energy we saw so abundantly all summer has sunk down into the roots of the plants, and as they die back, the nutrients that once flowed in the above-ground portions are returned downward into the roots. This makes fall the perfect…

4 Fall Herbal Tea Recipes To Cozy Up With
It’s easy for herbalists to rejoice with the turning of fall since cooler weather invites warm tea back into our daily routine. Whether you love to cozy up with a good book and a warm mug of tea, prepare an entire nourishing quart of tea to sip throughout the day, or enjoy a simple cup…

3 Tips on Managing Vata Dosha During Autumn
Ayurveda teaches that we each have an inherent prakruti, which is our natural, unchanging nature. Our prakruti is our unique balance of vata, pitta, and kapha doshas and is unaffected by phase of life, seasons, or any other external factors. If you’re interested in finding out what your dosha is, read our article, Introduction To…

14 DIY Herbal Fall Gift Basket Ideas For Friends and Family
Fall is a time of shifting light, color, and energy. The plants are releasing their seeds and directing their energy inward and downward as they prepare for the cold winter months. Our energy is shifting as well, and this is a good season for slowing down and enjoying creative work. Using herbs, we can focus…

Autumn Energetics And Self-Care
Summer is officially a wrap. The barbecues and pool parties have ceased, children are back to school, and you might be reminiscing over your vacation experiences (or looking longingly at others’ vacation photos on social media!). Gardeners have harvested their peak season of tomatoes and melons, while the lettuces and leafy greens emerge from their…

Autumn Wildharvesting Guide: Herbal Roots
Fall is the best time to harvest the roots, some berries, flowers, and cold weather herbs that we miss once the heat of summer comes in. This article will act as your fall wildharvesting guide, featuring herbal roots that are available during the season. Get the full Autumn Wildharvesting Guide, featuring fruits, berries, flowers, herbs, seeds, and…