How To Make Vegan Herbal Syrup | Herbal Academy | If you’re a vegan and you’re interested in making vegan herbal syrups, you’ll find several alternatives to honey detailed in this article.
  ON May 15,2018

How To Make Vegan Herbal Syrups

Herbal syrups are a common herbal preparation. Not only are they easy to make and tasty to use, but they require minimal ingredients that can be found in most homes. Other than herbs, all that’s needed to make herbal syrups are water and some form of sweetener. Many herbalists prefer to use raw honey to…

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How To Build A Nutritive Tea | Herbal Academy | You can build a nutritive tea for your health and wellness by using the many herbs out there that are not only rich in vitamins and minerals, but also aid in our absorption of certain nutrients!
  ON May 10,2018

How To Build A Nutritive Tea

While many of us search the supplement aisles to round out our nutritional needs, we often forget about the many herbs out there that are not only rich in vitamins and minerals but also aid in our absorption of certain nutrients. Now I’m not telling you to throw all your supplements in the trash! However,…

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Ayurvedic Tips For Spring Wellness | Herbal Academy | Do you know that by observing seasonal changes we can attain optimal wellness? Enjoy maximal spring wellness by observing these Ayurvedic tips!
  ON May 08,2018

Ayurvedic Tips For Spring Wellness

Ayurveda recognizes the cyclic nature of life. In order to achieve wellness, it is important to be tuned in to our environment as well as to be cognizant of our inherent constitution, called prakruti in Ayurveda. This article will elucidate Ayurvedic tips for spring wellness. Though our prakruti (inherent constitution) is fixed, our present nature,…

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The Most Inconspicuous Plant You Can Forage Now! | Herbal Academy | Learn how to forage chickweed in today's article! Also, strengthen your plant identification skills of 25 herbs with our Botany & Wildcrafting Course.
  ON May 03,2018

The Most Inconspicuous Plant You Can Forage Now!

Our new Botany & Wildcrafting Course is here, and we’re so excited about this course! Not only will it provide you with an introduction to plant biology and ecology, but it will help you strengthen your plant identification skills and help you understand and practice sound wildcrafting ethics and techniques as well. In this course,…

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6 Basil Varieties & What You Should Know About Them | Herbal Academy | Did you know there are many basil varieties that can be planted and used in various ways? Come learn about six of them and how to incorporate them into your life.
  ON April 26,2018

6 Basil Varieties & What You Should Know About Them

Few things compare to the fresh smell and flavor of basil pesto. Throw some basil leaves and pine nuts (or even less expensive almonds) in a blender with some olive oil, lemon, and salt, and you create a fragrant, herbaceous spread you can put on most anything. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water!…

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12 Permaculture Principles to Use When Planning Your Herb Garden | Herbal Academy | Permaculture principles are not just a way of growing things, they're a way of life. Here's 12 suggestions to assist you in your herb garden planning.
  ON April 24,2018

12 Permaculture Principles to Use When Planning Your Herb Garden

Permaculture is not just a way of growing things. It is a movement — a way of life. Permaculture has its origins across many cultures, spanning the history of humanity. In the 1970s Australians Bill Mollison and David Holmgren defined and organized it into what we now know by the term “permaculture,” which means “permanent…

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How To Harvest Bark From Trees and Shrubs Correctly | Herbal Academy | Ever wanted to harvest bark from trees or shrubs? In this post, we'll teach you four bark harvesting rules to follow so you can harvest bark correctly.
  ON April 19,2018

How To Harvest Bark From Trees and Shrubs Correctly

If you’ve ever wanted to learn how to harvest bark from trees or shrubs, you’re not alone. Bark is commonly used in herbal preparations, but the idea of harvesting barks can be rather confusing. How exactly does one go about harvesting barks from trees or shrubs in an ethical and sustainable manner? In the article…

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