The Beginner’s Guide to Making Money as an Herbal Writer
If you enjoy writing, and you’re looking for creative ways to make money from your herbal know-how, then submitting articles to magazines and reputable online platforms may be a great option for you. For seven years, I worked as the health editor for a well-known sustainable lifestyle magazine. I received dozens of pitches per week…

How To Cope with Cabin Fever At Winter’s End
The last weeks of winter can oftentimes feel the most challenging. The initial brisk excitement of winter is behind us and the frigid days seem longer and more bone-chilling than ever. At this point of the season, we can start to feel a little “stir crazy” in anticipation of the warmer spring days ahead when…

Essential Oil Bath Safety: What To Do & Not Do
We are all well aware that the modern American lifestyle is very stressful. When you look up stress management techniques, you will find that a soothing evening bath is frequently on the list. As herbal practitioners, we may use a full, soaking bath, or we may use a smaller version of the bath such as…

Introducing The Most Complete Herbalism Textbooks in Beginner and Intermediate Levels
There’s nothing better than walking into the library or a bookstore and experiencing the joys of the printed word with one’s senses. Your eyes take in row upon row of books of various sizes, shapes, and colors. You smell the faint scent of ink and paper when a book is cracked open or flipped through….

5 Daily Self-Care Practices to Implement This Year
The start of the new year is a wonderful time to reset intentions and adopt new and better methods of self-care. Also, Valentine’s Day may provide the inspiration to not only express love outwardly but to also give yourself a little self-love and extra care as well. Daily self-care practices are more than pampering or the…

Herbal Academy: The Journey
One thing we can always count on is change! For us at the Herbal Academy, change usually means progress, an upward movement, a reach farther, a goal realized. With the recent changes and forward movements we’ve made (and continue to make) to the Herbal Academy web platform and our online foundational herbal courses, we thought…

Adaptogen Bliss Balls Recipe & Video
Adaptogens are a category of tonic herbs that are often used to keep the general terrain of the body healthy and functioning properly. While there are many types of tonic herbs, adaptogens are often classed as endocrine system tonics, though they can have an effect on other body systems as well. While we’re not going…

How To Use The “Folk Method” To Make Herbal Preparations
When it comes to making herbal preparations, one of the simplest ways to go about it is to use the folk method. The folk method is often used by beginner herbalists because it’s a simple and easy method to follow, but that doesn’t mean it’s for beginners only. Many experienced herbalists continue to prefer this…

Free Ebook: Top 10 Herbalism Articles of 2018
Although the new year has already begun, some of you may still be looking back on 2018, reflecting on experiences had or lessons learned. Some of this reflection may revolve around your herbal journey and how it’s progressed or changed over the year. If this is you, we have something to help you with your…

2019 Vegan Spice Guide For Vegan Cooking
Vegan foods can get a bad rap for being bland and tasteless. In the Western world, meat has become a predominant part of every meal. Many people have become so accustomed to the salty, fatty flavor offered by animal protein that they find it difficult to imagine how a person could subsist on a diet…