Troubleshooting Fire Cider: Answering Your Questions
Fire cider is a beloved and potent wellness tonic known for giving the immune system a powerful kick. Made from a variety of herbs infused into apple cider vinegar, a classic herbalist’s recipe is easy to make, convenient to dose, and a delight to the tastebuds. Here at the Herbal Academy, we’ve been sharing our…

5 Autumn Spices for the Herbalist’s Kitchen
I adore autumn, and yet I find it a bittersweet time of year, being the harbinger of the cold, dark days of winter. Whether or not you welcome the transition from the heat of summer to the cool of autumn and winter, adjusting your foods, spices, and herbs to fit the season is one important…

Sanderson Sisters S’mores With Herbal Chocolate and Marshmallow Root Marshmallows
Create your own black flame chocolate, dripping in herbal goodness with a hint of rose flavor. Whip up homemade fluffy marshmallows made with the very ingredient they were named after — marshmallow root (Althaea officinalis). Sandwich them between two graham crackers and you’ll have the tastiest bite of s’mores you’ve tried yet! “Sisters, we’ve been…

How to Make a Culinary Fall Wreath Using Wild Grapevines and Herbs From the Garden
As summer dwindles and the first frost approaches, it’s time to start thinking about ways to hold over any garden surplus through the winter. Drying and freezing are two popular ways to preserve garden herbs. Crafting a fall wreath is one way of drying herbs which has become my absolute favorite this time of year….

Pumpkin Beer Bread Recipe With Homemade Herb Butter
I’m here to pass along a delightful crowd-pleasing recipe that could become a new autumnal tradition! It’s a mix of herbaceous goodness and a little hint of fall flavors. That’s right, homemade pumpkin beer bread and herb butter. The smell of freshly baked bread warms the kitchen as it bakes, the top crisping to…

Greek Olive Oil Traditions + How to Do an Olive Oil Tasting and Identify the Best Variety
Olive oil has a rich and magical history in Greece, where the landscape is dotted with millions of majestic olive trees. Derived from the pressing of ripe olives picked from the Olea europaea tree, this supreme food has been used for thousands of years in the Mediterranean region, Asia, and Africa. The magic of Greek…

Nourishing Matcha Tea Recipe With Lion’s Mane
Want to start your day with energy, but skip the intensity of coffee? Look no further than this Lion’s Mane Matcha recipe! This unique blend provides a mild caffeine boost while also supporting mental calm and focus. It’s the perfect cup of goodness to accompany your herbal study time or any activity that requires mental…

3 Moistening Herbs to Explore
In an article in The Herbarium, herbalist Erin Gangi discusses the role of moistening herbs through the lens of a few traditional medicine systems and outlines the uses, safety, and dosage of some specific herbs. This excerpt from the article explores the properties and benefits of moistening herbs and shares profiles of a few key…

DIY Chamomile Teething Gummies: Herbal Support for Teething Babies
Sleepless nights are a part of parenthood, particularly during teething. Some babies are quite distressed by this process, and the associated pain can leave them feeling uncomfortable and unsettled night and day. The time frame of when the first teeth erupt varies from child to child. For example, one child may already be teething at…

The Core Carrier Oils: How to Store Them Properly
This excerpt on core carrier oils is from the book The Carrier Oil Palette by Jade Shutes and Sherilyn Siegmund-Roach and is reprinted with permission from The School for Aromatic Studies. Carrier Oil Storage Carrier oils deteriorate via two separate processes: oxidation and spoilage. To prevent such deterioration, you must protect carrier oils from light,…