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    Results for Category: Animal Herbalism

Herbal Support for Canine Rabies Vaccination | Herbal Academy | Learn how you can look to nature to help support your pet’s body before and after the canine rabies vaccination with the aid of herbs.
  ON May 31,2019

Herbal Support for Canine Rabies Vaccination

Of all the diseases transmitted from wild animals to dogs, rabies is the most deadly. Our canine friends are the main transmitter of the rabies virus to humans (World Health Organization, n.d.). A dog has to have active rabies in order to be contagious and pass the virus through their saliva in order to infect…

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The Best and Worst Plants for Pets | Herbal Academy | While there are many plants that are safe for domestic animals, there is also a list of plants that are toxic. Here's the best and worst plants for pets.
  ON November 19,2018

The Best and Worst Plants for Pets

While there are many herbs, plants, and vegetables that are healthy and safe for domestic animals, there is a long list of plants that are downright toxic to our four-legged companions. Sadly, these dangerous plants are prevalent, lurking in our yards and homes. You know your companion animal better than anyone else, so when cultivating…

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  ON September 21,2015

An Introduction into Canine Herbalism

If you have dogs, you probably cannot count the times you’ve seen them run to a patch of something green and begin to consume it ravenously. You might wonder when, and more importantly where, the consumed forage will represent itself again – which always seems to be in the middle of your dinner party on…

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  ON August 31,2015

FREE Herbs For Animals Chart

Herbalism is for everyone – including your furry friends! As shown in the Free Herbs for Animals Chart: 20 Herbs to Know & Use, herbs can be a wonderful addition to your pet’s meal plan and first aid kit. Herbs can be used safely and effectively, helping to eliminate the use of harsh chemicals. Add nourishing foods from the plant…

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