Results for Category: Preparation How-To
Herbal Oils for Acne Scarring
Few things can make a person feel as vulnerable and self-conscious as acne. While many chronic issues aren’t immediately obvious to others, the pimples and bumps associated with acne are on display for peers, love interests, and strangers to see. Frustratingly, even after the blemishes have resolved, they can leave long-lasting scars that can continue…
How to Make a Culinary Fall Wreath Using Wild Grapevines and Herbs From the Garden
As summer dwindles and the first frost approaches, it’s time to start thinking about ways to hold over any garden surplus throug...
How to Make a First-Aid Kit Yarrow Tincture
Yarrow, and especially yarrow tincture, is a wonderful herbal ally and addition to your first-aid kit to help you stay well prepar...
Baby’s First Herbal Bath Soak
A bath ritual not only provides cleansing and care for a baby, but also deep relaxation and well-being! Newborns especially feel very comfortable in warm water, as it reminds them of the protected time in the womb. In this article, you will find a recipe for a baby’s very first herbal bath soak with natural…
Avipattikar Churna: Herbal Support For Digestive Imbalance
With summer around the corner, some of us are thrilled by warmer temperatures and the prospect of stone fruits, berries, smoothies, and salads. However, those who run warm, e.g. pitta types, may need to take caution to tame the internal fires as external temperatures climb. This means keeping the body temperature, emotional thermometer, and digestive…
Sitopaladi Churna: Sweet Cough Powder for Respiratory Support
With spring in full swing, consider yourself fortunate if you are not affected by seasonal allergies or other respiratory issues. ...
DIY Baby Herbal Diaper Balm to Soothe Rashes and Keep the Skin Healthy
A baby’s delicate skin is particularly sensitive to environmental influences and harmful substances. Therefore, it is critic...
DIY Foraged Chickweed Salve
Chickweed (Stellaria media) is one of the most common medicinal lawn weeds in North America. It enjoys cool temperatures, so it is typically one of the first weeds to arrive in early spring. This common weed has many herbal benefits; it has traditionally been used to soothe skin issues, which makes it a great ingredient…
DIY Immune Stimulating Elderberry Gummies
It’s that time of year when winter has solidly set in and cold and flu season is at its peak. Since we spend more time inside this time of year, we tend to spread colds around more readily and may be feeling more susceptible to infection. And, with an ongoing worldwide viral illness, natural immune…
Warming Herbal Foot Soak With Cinnamon and Magnesium
You’re going to want to step into this warm, grounding herbal foot soak with cinnamon and magnesium this winter. Long days of co...