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Herbal Body Care
21 Apr 2015

5 Herbal Body Care Products to Buy or DIY

Do you enjoy making your own herbal bath and body care products at home? Making luscious lotions, healing salves, heavenly soaps and other goodies can be rewarding, but usually DIY instructions are for bulk batches that make several bottles, jars, or bars of one recipe at once. Sometimes it’s nice to have a favorite herbal business or two to fall back on for quick purchases when you are pressed for time or when just one jar will do the trick. And for gifting, it’s nice to have a beautifully packaged product to wrap up! Whether you are looking for a few fantastic products to try or wanting some DIY inspiration for your next project, we have been reviewing some incredible products from Original Organics and have some great ideas from past articles here on the blog that we think you will enjoy.

5 Products to Buy or DIY

Facial Cream by Original Organics - Herbal Body Care Products To Buy or DIY?

Calendula Healing Salve

Healing salves are a staple in many herbal homes, and this gorgeous calendula salve from Original Organics is no different. Made with soothing calendula-infused olive oil and organic beeswax, it’s scented with organic rose essential oil and even topped with calendula petals. Heavenly!

BUY: All Purpose Healing Salve

If you are looking for instructions on how to make your own, be sure to check out our article, How to Make a Healing Salve. We’ve included a recipe for an Aches and Pains Salve that uses meadowsweet and calendula with roman chamomile essential oil.

DIY: How to Make a Healing Salve

Artisan Bath Salts by Original Organics - Herbal Body Care Products To Buy or DIY?

Spring Bath Salts

Nothing says simple pleasures and small luxuries quite the way bath salts do. And with floral ingredients like chamomile, rose, and lavender, Original Organic’s bath salts are perfect for spring! Himalayan pink salt combined with the flower petals make these salts stunningly beautiful to look at, as well as a delight to enjoy in the bath.

BUY: Artisan Bath Salts for Spring

Bath salts are also a simple DIY project with sure to please results. Especially our recipe for DIY Lavender Bath Salts! Our recipe calls for many ingredients that you may already have around the house, which makes it even easier to put together, and it’s also a simple matter to improvise or use herbs and ingredients that you like best to make a custom blend.

DIY: Lavender Bath Salts

Grapefruit Lip Balm by Original Organics - Herbal Body Care Products To Buy or DIY?

Herbal Lip Balm

Lip balm is one of those little necessities that can be quite a challenge to procure if you are trying to stay away from chemicals and artificial ingredients. Thankfully, there are several companies that make great all natural lip balm, but we love Original Organic’s blood orange and grapefruit blend the best! Organic coconut oil and organic shea butter make their lip balm extra moisturizing, and the citrus flavors are heavenly.

BUY: Blood Orange Grapefruit Lip Balm

If you have little ones at home, though, you know that in addition to finding a lip balm that is all natural, you also need one that comes in kid-approved flavors. This tutorial for natural lip balm for kids has delicious flavors like mango pineapple or strawberries and cream, and can easily be made using tubes, tins, or small jars. They are so pretty you might want to make extra for yourself!

DIY: Homemade Lip Balm

Sunscreen by Original Organics - Herbal Body Care Products To Buy or DIY?

Sun Screen and Sun Relief Spray

Sunscreen can be fussy to make at home, so we think it’s wonderful that Original Organics has us all covered with an all-natural, zinc based sunscreen made with luxurious almond, lavender, and carrot seed oils for skin pampering sun protection. Rubbed in well, you won’t even notice the zinc, so don’t let a fear of appearing pale stop you from giving it a go.

BUY: Natural Sunscreen

Sunburn relief sprays, however, are definitely in the do-able DIY category, and we have a great recipe on our blog along with some tips to avoiding sunburn- naturally. Our sun relief spray features soothing aloe and marshmallow alongside calendula and lavender for

DIY: Sunburn Relief Spray

Facial Cream by Original Organics - Herbal Body Care Products To Buy or DIY?

Soothing Lavender Face Cream

If you’re looking for something new and natural for your skin care routine, Original Organics also has a magnificent facial cream that includes lavender and skin savvy comfrey. Comfrey helps boost the growth of new skin cells while lavender keeps skin clean- a dynamic duo to keep your skin feeling and looking fabulous. Add vitamin E, aloe, and nourishing shea butter for one very well rounded moisturizer!

BUY: Soothing Lavender Face Cream

Although we don’t have DIY directions for anything like Original Organic’s lavender moisturizer, we do have a wonderful article all about comfrey uses and remedies that includes a recipe for comfrey cream that can be used to soothe bee stings and other first aid skin troubles.

DIY: Comfrey Uses and Remedies

5 Herbal Body Care Products to Buy or DIY

To Buy or DIY?

If you haven’t ever tried making herbal body care products at home, we hope that some of our ideas above inspire you to give it a try. And if you normally DIY, we think that you might just find a new favorite product in one of Original Organic’s wonderful body care line up – we certainly have!

Body care is only one of the amazing ways herbs can be used to support health and enrich our lives. To learn more about how herbs can be applied as part of a natural lifestyle, we invite you to join us for one our online learning courses. Or, if you are looking for a new resource with in depth articles from a variety of wonderful herbalists, extensive herbal monographs to expand your knowledge of plants, and other multimedia learning tools, come join our members-only community, The Herbarium.