A Family Herb: Stinging Nettle Leaf Uses | Herbal Academy | Stinging nettle is known as an overall nourisher and strengthener and is chock full of vitamins and minerals. Learn the many uses of this spring plant!
  ON April 06,2016

A Family Herb: Stinging Nettle Leaf Uses

The first plants to rise up in the spring, gracing the world with green, often include the very herbs we can most successfully use to be healthy and strong. It’s seasonal herbalism at its best with healthful weedy plants such as dandelions, violets, and chickweed expressing their vitality by simply growing all on their own…

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Herbal Allies for Families During Allergy Season by Herbal Academy
  ON May 28,2015

Herbal Allies for Families During Allergy Season

Springtime brings the waking of green things from the Earth. The air is fresh and wild, and we feel called to the out-of-doors, to nature. Yet for some of us warmer weather is also the harbinger of, well, misery. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or someone in your family does, you know that the…

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12 Nettle Recipes To Add To Your Cookbook | Herbal Academy | Stinging Nettles can be harvested, dried and incorporated into your diet year round for nourishment – add these delicious nettle recipes to your cookbook!
  ON May 26,2015

12 Nettle Recipes To Add To Your Cookbook

It is spring, and to many of us that means time to watch for the nettle. Long ago, our ancestors also watched for the first greens of spring after a hard winter with nutritional foods in short supply. As soon as they were able, they harvested nettle and incorporated its revitalizing nutrition into their diets. Nutritionally, nettle is one of nature’s…

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  ON May 26,2015

Stinging Nettle Plant: A Spring Favorite

Many herbalists can hardly wait for spring to nourish their bodies naturally with fresh greens from the earth. Much like our ancestors, we harvest (learn how) the highly nutritious nettle, incorporate it into our diets, and dry enough to get us to next spring. Nettle (Urtica dioica) has fulfilled many needs for humans in the past. It has…

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nettle recipes
  ON March 26,2014

Stinging Nettle Recipes for Spring Eating

After a long, cold winter, most of us warmly welcome the arrival of milder weather and the return of the green. As the world seems to wake up, we also wake and stretch our limbs. Emerging from a season of storage and hibernation, our winter inactivity and heavy comfort food indulgences may become more apparent….

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Goldenrod for allergy season
  ON March 25,2014

4 Natural Allies for Allergy Season

With the recent passing of the vernal equinox, we have now officially entered the season of spring. For many of us, this time of year translates to longer days, the planting of our herbal gardens, and an ever-increasing need to wear sunglasses. For others of us, this time of year translates to allergy season. Indeed,…

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Nourishing Weedy Tea
  ON May 22,2013

Nourishing Weedy Tea

Herbalists have an eye for beauty and worth, seeing usefulness inside what others consider useless. Often reviled plants like nettles, dandelions, burdock, plantain, chickweed, lambs quarters, and red clover often grow nearby in favorite fields or woodland paths, or even on our lawns, and make delicious and nutritious teas as well as herbal vinegars, soups,…

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