14 Sep 2021

Deep Breath Osha and Echinacea Syrup Recipe

A go-to urban herbalism recipe is the Deep Breath Osha and Echinacea Syrup Recipe below. This formula can be used for acute lung support or as a daily preventative and immune-booster.

Although cities are full of exciting opportunities, culture, and entertainment, their industrial nature creates a polluted environment with compromised air quality. While the exact air quality varies depending on the city you live in, it’s important to take extra measures to keep your lung health in good shape and prevent deeper pollution-related issues from taking root.

Deep Breath Osha and Echinacea Syrup Recipe

Plantain (Plantago major) leaf lends soothing support for the mucous membranes of the bronchial system while helping quell inflamed tissues triggered by pollutants in the air. 

Osha (Ligusticum porteri) root also carries an affinity for the lungs and throat, helping promote a healthy bacterial state in the respiratory system while serving as an expectorant for stagnant mucus (Holmes, 1989a). Remember to always ensure that your osha root was ethically wildcrafted (Sustainable Herbs, 2019) when sourcing. 

Echinacea (Echinacea spp.) root and thyme (Thymus vulgaris) aerial parts complement the formula by providing deep and more broad-spectrum immune system support and viral support respectively (Holmes, 1989a; Holmes, 1989b).

echinacea growing outside

Deep Breath Osha and Echinacea Syrup Recipe

This herbal syrup recipe is an effective at home and on-the-go support for the lungs. Yield: approx. 1 quart


0.5 part plantain (Plantago major) leaf
1 part osha (Ligusticum porteri) root
1 part echinacea (Echinacea spp.) root
0.25 part thyme (Thymus vulgaris) leaf
1 quart of cool water
1 to 2 cups of honey or sugar

  • Start by combining the hard roots (osha and echinacea) together in equal parts in a measuring cup until the mixture equals about 1/2 cup total. Add this mixture to a pot with the cool water.
  • Combine the plantain and thyme together in a measuring cup until the mixture equals about 1/4 cup total. Set this mixture aside until later in the recipe.
  • Bring the pot with the root mixture and water to a simmer then cover the pot partially with a lid.
  • Allow the mixture to simmer until the liquid is reduced by half.
  • Remove the pot from the heat then add the plantain and thyme mixture to the pot.
  • Cover the pot fully with the lid and allow the leaves to steep for 1-2 hours.
  • Strain out all of the herbs then return the liquid to the pot.
  • Add the honey or sugar to the liquid in the pot.
    • If using honey: heat the mixture very gently without boiling the syrup until the honey is just dissolved. This helps the naturally occurring enzymes in the honey to be preserved!
    • If using sugar: either heat the syrup just enough to dissolve the sugar (if you prefer a thinner syrup) or bring the syrup to a gentle boil and simmer for an extra 30 minutes (if you prefer a thicker syrup).
  • Take the syrup off the heat and pour it into clean, sterile glass bottles. You can store the syrup in the refrigerator for up to 3 months. Enjoy 1/2 teaspoon, 1 time per day for preventative lung support, or 1 teaspoon, 2 times per day for acute lung support.

In Closing, 

Boost the air quality in your home and workspace (if possible) using an essential oil diffuser, particulate air filter, and occasional herbal incense burning. 

Learn more about making your own herbal syrup through our Basic Herbal Syrup Recipe here.Deep Breath Herbal Osha and Echinacea Syrup Recipe | Herbal Academy | This herbal osha and echinacea syrup recipe is an effective at home and on-the-go support for the lungs and a daily immune-booster.


Holmes, P. (1989a). The energetics of western herbs (Vol. 1). Coati, CA: Snow Lotus Press.

Holmes, P. (1989b). The energetics of western herbs (Vol. 2). Coati, CA: Snow Lotus Press.

Sustainable Herbs (2019). Is osha being over-harvested? [Blog post]. Retrieved from https://sustainableherbsprogram.org/osha/