Celebrate Herbalist Day by Honoring Your Teachers – FREE card downloads!
Herbalists are known for generously sharing knowledge about herbalism with those around them, helping to empower others to tend to their own wellness. From the seemingly small actions of showing someone how to brew a cup of tea or make a comforting herbal bath to more formal instruction of students in a classroom or writing an informative book, herbalists teach those around them everyday how to use and enjoy herbs.
Every herbalist is a teacher sharing their passion with others while inspiring learning, invigorating well-being, and fostering an appreciation of nature. Herbalists teach folks the fine art of self-care. They share the beauty and strength of the natural world. And often herbalists help create the very spark that inspires others toward their own journey in herbalism. What a gift these teachers are! Thank An Herbalist Day, coming up on April 17th, is the perfect opportunity to reach out to thank an herbalist who has assisted, taught, or inspired you in some way!
Join Us in Appreciating Herbalists!
If you feel inspired, on April 17th share a little gesture of appreciation for the inspiring words, actions, and lessons of herbalists who have touched your life. Maybe an herbalist once helped you in a moment of need. Perhaps their influence set your feet down upon your own herbal path. Or they shared an inspiration with you about plants that sparked an “ah-ha!” moment!
In life we are all teachers through our interactions, communications, and sharing with one another. Herbalists, be they the wise elder under whom we studied or the student herbalist full of enthusiasm and knowledge, teach each other as well as people in their communities each and every day. Every herbalist is a teacher and it is with deep gratitude that we here at the Academy thank all of the teachers in our lives. As you read this do any particular herbalists or lessons learned come to mind? If so, why not take a moment to reach out, extending the gift of gratitude for what that person has shared with you? It means so much!
Free Graphics and Thank You Cards
Please enjoy these thank you cards! Download and print the PDF cards to share a special gesture of appreciation with an herbalist. Or grab an image below to share via email or Facebook!

Free Thank You Cards for Thank an Herbalist Day
Download & Enjoy Thank An Herbalist Day Cards!
A Beautiful Community
Inasmuch as every herbalist is a teacher, every herbalist is also a student. As herbalists, we are all constantly learning from the wonderful folks within our herbal communities. As a community, the sharing of personal wisdom, unique viewpoints, and heartfelt inspirations with one another helps us all to grow as herbalists, to learn more, and become better at what we do.
And it is important to remember that no matter how new (or established) you are to the craft of herbalism, as herbalists we all have something unique to impart and something special to teach. If we honor that special spark we each bring to the table, we can all learn.
Herbalism needs your unique voice and your unique story… Dig down deep and plant yourself so that you can be a flower that brings joy, a vine that holds fast to your truth, or a tree that shelters those that rest beneath.
– Agatha Noveille, Herbal Academy Associate Educator and author of The Indie Herbal
Noveille, Agatha. (2106). The Indie Herbal Leaflet. Vol. 1. Georgia. The Independent Herbalist.