Connecting With the Season of Roots | The Herbal Academy | Different plants are at their peak during certain times of their growing seasons. Learn to connect with the roots of each season.
  ON July 31,2023

5 Common Spices to Use for Everyday Health

The following excerpt, 5 Common Spices to Use for Everyday Health, is taken from Spice Apothecary© by Bevin Clare. Used with permission from Storey Publishing. HEALTHY CONNECTIONS: SKIN, BONES, AND JOINTS Our skin is the organ that interacts most with the world. A dynamic and responsive organ, it contends with all kinds of impacts and…

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Ginger and Pineapple Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie  | Herbal Academy | This all-purpose, anti-inflammatory smoothie featuring pineapple, ginger, and turmeric is both tasty and beneficial.
  ON September 22,2020

Ginger and Pineapple Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

The following excerpt is from Jill Stansbury’s new book Herbal Formularies for Health Professionals, Volume 4 (Chelsea Green Publishing, July 2020) and is reprinted with permission from the publisher. This all-purpose anti-inflammatory smoothie is both tasty and beneficial. It can be used after trauma, to help recover from surgery, or to accompany a tea or tincture…

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A Warming Turmeric Cauliflower Soup For Chilly Winter Days | Herbal Academy | There is nothing better than a warm bowl of soup on a chilly winter’s day. Give our Turmeric Cauliflower Soup a try and stay warm!
  ON December 27,2018

A Warming Turmeric Cauliflower Soup For Chilly Winter Days

Winter is here, and if you’re anything like me, you’re probably craving soup! There is nothing better on a chilly evening, wrapped in a blanket with loved ones, than sipping from a bowl of warm, soothing soup. Turmeric (Curcuma longa) and cauliflower are gaining popularity in many healthy recipes as they have a plethora of…

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Turmeric Lemonade: Health Benefits & How To Make It | Herbal Academy | If you’re looking for a refreshing drink for summer, look no further than this turmeric lemonade recipe. It tastes great, and it's good for your health!
  ON July 27,2018

Turmeric Lemonade: Health Benefits & How To Make It

There is something so beautifully simple about using herbs and roots to live a healthy life. The familiar adage, eat the rainbow is apropos –  it is not hard to imagine the health benefits of ground beet root powder with its bright red color or the beautiful blue-green shade of the superfood spirulina. Turmeric is…

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Vegan Golden Cinnamon Turmeric Latte | Herbal Academy | Looking for a way to spice up your morning routine? Check out this recipe for vegan golden cinnamon turmeric latte that will do just that!
  ON November 09,2016

Vegan Golden Cinnamon Turmeric Latte

First it was kale. Then quinoa. There always seems to be a trending vegetable, spice or superfood that pops up on everyone’s radar all at once. And the latest food trend is all about…turmeric! Today, I want to tell you about the benefits of turmeric and how to easily incorporate it into your diet, and…

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  ON August 05,2015

How to Make Gold Milk with a Spin!

Have you been enjoying the #myherbalstudies community on Instagram? We are building community with fellow classmates, teachers, members and fans and readers by using the hashtag #myherbalstudies in Instagram uploads. We welcome you to join in the fun. Share your herbal adventures – what are you making, foraging, gardening, studying, creating, eating, preserving? Nothing is…

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Herbal Allies for Families During Allergy Season by Herbal Academy
  ON May 28,2015

Herbal Allies for Families During Allergy Season

Springtime brings the waking of green things from the Earth. The air is fresh and wild, and we feel called to the out-of-doors, to nature. Yet for some of us warmer weather is also the harbinger of, well, misery. If you suffer from seasonal allergies or someone in your family does, you know that the…

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