ON May 26,2015

How to Make a Delicious Dewberry Syrup

Each spring, one of nature’s gifts appears in the form of dewberries. Sometimes considered a weed by those unfamiliar with their benefits, dewberries grow on low, trailing brambles along fences, in woodlands, near roadways, and in other undisturbed areas. The vines are covered with small thorns, which can make it tricky to harvest dewberries. Forage…

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  ON May 21,2015

Lemon Balm Lavender Scones

Today is a drip-droppy rainy Spring day here in Colorado. It has been raining for days which is strange for our little community. All this quiet persistent rain is bringing the world alive with vibrant greens of every shade. Dwelling in our yard is a luscious patch of fragrant lemon balm which showing it’s colors…

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Refreshing Violet Lemonade | Herbal Academy | This refreshing violet lemonade recipe can be especially helpful for children, as they might resist a tincture but will happily drink lemonade!
  ON May 13,2015

Refreshing Violet Lemonade

Wild violets are abundant this time of year, and they offer such wonderful benefits. The leaves are thought to support the lymphatic system, which is so helpful when we consider the strain put on our bodies by environmental pollution and toxins in food. Even those of us striving to reduce the number of toxins we’re…

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  ON May 07,2015

A Family Herb: Violet Plant

Violet plants are a pure delight for the senses, enchanting children and adults alike with their lovely, sweet-smelling purple flowers and precious, bright green heart-shaped leaves. A seasonal springtime flower, violets are often among the first plants to peek their little flowering heads up towards the sun. Gather the flowers in the spring and enjoy…

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  ON May 03,2015

How to Enjoy Green Matcha Tea

I am seriously obsessed with green tea—specifically, organic Matcha green tea. I just can’t get enough of it. Matcha comes from the shade-grown tea leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. The whole tea leaf is stone-ground into a fine powder. The highest quality Matcha is grown in Japan and is a deep, colorful green. Generally,…

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  ON April 30,2015

Herbal Honey Recipes For Kids

Do you love honey? Believe it or not you can make honey even more tasty by infusing it with your favorite herbs. Making your own delightful herbal honey is great to try out with kids and share with family and friends. Herbal honey this is one of the most delectable ways to preserve and enjoy…

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  ON April 26,2015

A Homemade Dandelion and Chicory Root Coffee

I love coffee. That wonderful aroma on a chilly morning, how it wafts its “wake-me-up” scent straight to my nose. I adore that delightful buzz that comes with sipping my brew on the back patio, while watching the sunrise. I admit, sometimes it’s more than love; it’s a bit of an obsession. Back in the…

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  ON February 09,2015

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes with Cashew Queso

Superbowl munchies might be over now that the Pats are officially champs, but fun, game-day food should be enjoyed all year long! Perfect for any sporting event, Sunday fun day, or just a creative, beautiful appetizer to serve when you’re hosting a party, these Southwestern stuffed sweet potatoes are easy to make and a healthy…

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Love It Up With Herbal Aphrodisiacs by Herbal Academy
  ON January 30,2015

Love It Up With Herbal Aphrodisiacs

In herbalism, aphrodisiac herbs aren’t just a means to an end! Aphrodisiac herbs nourish the nervous, heart, and reproductive systems on both physical and energetic levels. Physically, they tonify the body and support balanced function, enhance physical desire (libido), and improve performance. Energetically, they balance and love up the heart and sacral chakras and increase…

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