Vining Herbs: Take Gardening to New Heights
Vining plants do so much for a garden. Vertical climbing plants take up minimal ground space and add height and texture to the garden scape. They will hide unsightly garden walls or become a whimsical focal point when grown on an arched trellis or pergola. Trellised vining plants grown on porches and patios can provide…

Mugwort Dream Pillow for Natural Sleep Aid
Everybody wants to have good dreams, so what about combining good dreams with a natural sleep aid? Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) has been classified as an herbal oneirogen, which is a plant that produces or enhances dream-like states of consciousness (Barrett & McNamara, 2012). Unfortunately, most of the oneirogenic benefits of mugwort have not been scientifically…

8 Herbs That Calm The Anxious Mind
It may feel like today’s world is in a state of upheaval with social, political, and economic issues stirring up emotions inside of each of us. These emotions are often generically labeled as stress, and while that may be the case, acute stress has a tendency to become chronic stress if not properly addressed, and…

The Lure and Lore of HOPS: The 2018 Herb of the Year
Each year since 1995, the International Herb Association picks an Herb of the Year. This year that herb is hops (Humulus spp.). Below you’ll find information about cultivating and harvesting hops as well as some interesting lure and lore about this year’s Herb of the Year. All About Hops Hops is a member of the…