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12 At-Risk Plants NOT To Harvest This Year | Herbal Academy | Late spring and summer are ideal times to harvest many plants, but these 12 at-risk plants should be avoided.
  ON July 06,2018

12 At-Risk Plants NOT To Harvest This Year

Late spring and summer are ideal times for harvesting plants. This is because, by this time, most plants have developed to the point where their identifying characteristics are obvious—leaves are often fully grown, flowers have blossomed, and some plants are already forming seeds, each of which makes plant identification easier. While most in the herbal…

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Maitake 101: A Valuable Mushroom | Herbal Academy | Maitake mushrooms are high in nutrients and are great for the immune system! Here's a delicious recipe as well as other ways to use this healthy food.
  ON October 09,2017

Maitake 101: A Valuable Mushroom (+ Maitake Barley Risotto Recipe!)

Early October in New England means many things: cool and sunny days, peak fall color, crisp apples, and icy cold cider come to mind, for starters. More obscure but no less exciting (for some of us)—it’s maitake time. Maitake what? Maitake mushrooms, also called hen-of-the-woods, or Grifola frondosa. If we’ve gotten enough precipitation in late…

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9 Summer Herbs To Forage This Year | Herbal Academy | Looking for summer herbs to forage for? Here are 9 herbs to find and harvest during the warm summer months.
  ON August 09,2017

9 Summer Herbs To Forage This Year

The “Dog Days” of summer are upon us in the South. The dogs and cats are lazy, the snakes are more prone to bite, the gnats, flies, and mosquitoes are more bothersome than normal, and the poison ivy is thriving. Thankfully, it isn’t all bad. These slow, hot days bring more time for family gatherings,…

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  ON October 09,2015

Connecting With The Season of Roots

The herbs in our gardens and the wild places around us live a year that is marked by the ritual of necessity. Each season has unique blessings and challenges for our plant allies, and learning these rhythms gives us a deeper insight into the natural world and our own health. Spring is marked with new…

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fall harvest
  ON September 16,2015

Giving Thanks for the Fall Harvest

The time has come again. Fall is right around the corner and it is time to start collecting and harvesting what Mother Earth has given to us. She has been very good to us this year, here in Michigan, with all the good heavy rainfall that we had at the beginning of spring which has…

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  ON May 21,2015

Lemon Balm Lavender Scones

Today is a drip-droppy rainy Spring day here in Colorado. It has been raining for days which is strange for our little community. All this quiet persistent rain is bringing the world alive with vibrant greens of every shade. Dwelling in our yard is a luscious patch of fragrant lemon balm which showing it’s colors…

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