ON March 15,2022

How To Make A Kid’s Fairy Garden With Foraged Materials

Raise your hand if you want to live in a tiny mushroom house in a magical forest (ME)! Surrounded by regal trees, waking up to dewy moss, serenaded by nature’s creatures…ah, the stuff fairytales are made of. According to my five-year-old, building a fairy house brings fairies to your house. Naturally, with that profound logic,…

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The Most Inconspicuous Plant You Can Forage Now! | Herbal Academy | Learn how to forage chickweed in today's article! Also, strengthen your plant identification skills of 25 herbs with our Botany & Wildcrafting Course.
  ON May 03,2018

The Most Inconspicuous Plant You Can Forage Now!

Our new Botany & Wildcrafting Course is here, and we’re so excited about this course! Not only will it provide you with an introduction to plant biology and ecology, but it will help you strengthen your plant identification skills and help you understand and practice sound wildcrafting ethics and techniques as well. In this course,…

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How To Use Dandelion Greens For A Healthy Liver | Herbal Academy | Dandelions are surprisingly nutritious! Here are 4 ways to use them in your diet for a healthy liver!
  ON March 20,2017

6 Spring Herbs You Can Forage Now

Spring is just around the corner and foragers everywhere are looking forward to the first spring herbs you can forage as they burst from the earth. For centuries, humans counted on spring’s nutrient rich plants for food and nourishment after a long winter consuming stored foods. While fresh food is now available all year round…

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Autumn Wildharvesting Guide: Medicinal Roots | Herbal Academy | Fall is when we harvest medicinal roots, find our autumn wildharvesting guide to roots here. Berries, fruits, seeds, and herbs are in the complete guide.
  ON October 16,2015

Autumn Wildharvesting Guide: Herbal Roots

Fall is the best time to harvest the roots, some berries, flowers, and cold weather herbs that we miss once the heat of summer comes in. This article will act as your fall wildharvesting guide, featuring herbal roots that are available during the season. Get the full Autumn Wildharvesting Guide, featuring fruits, berries, flowers, herbs, seeds, and…

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  ON June 29,2015

Easy-to-Make Recipes for Summer Skincare

Summer is a beautiful season, but it can also bring challenges for our skin. As you enjoy the sunny days, soothe and protect your skin with the easy-to-make recipes to follow using foraged wild weeds. Summer Skincare and Sun Protection One of the biggest summer skin issues is sunburns. If possible, avoid direct sunlight during…

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  ON April 13,2015

How to Start Foraging in Your Backyard

Many people are interested in learning about edible wild plants, and a natural extension of this is to explore what may be growing close to home. One of the best ways to begin foraging in your backyard is to find an herbalist or forager who offers local plant walks. Having in-person instruction can be incredibly…

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