Infuse Herbs In Every Part of Your Life As A Hobbyist Herbalist! | Herbal Academy | You might be a hobbyist herbalist if herbalism is a personal endeavor, an escape from the stresses of life, and even an act of self-care. Learn more about the hobbyist herbalist here!
  ON March 28,2019

Infuse Herbs In Every Part of Your Life As A Hobbyist Herbalist

Over the last few weeks, we’ve been talking about the various kinds of herbalists one can become—explaining what they are, things each type of herbalist may do, links to helpful resources and inspiration, and what type of Herbal Academy courses can help each type of herbalist on their journey. Today, we’re talking about the Hobbyist…

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How To Make Dandelion and Fennel Kombucha | Herbal Academy | Kombucha is easy to make at home and you can flavor it to your own liking. Give this dandelion and fennel kombucha a try!
  ON June 08,2016

How To Make Dandelion and Fennel Kombucha

You may have heard about kombucha in recent years as this fermented drink has become quite popular. What you may not know, however, is how easy it is to make at home. The best part is that you can flavor kombucha to your own liking (or not flavor it at all), and you will know…

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