ON November 05,2022

DIY Cold and Flu Bombs With Immune-Stimulating Herbs

We are all well aware of the looming cold and flu season that is approaching. As it inches its way closer, we are stocking our herbal pantries with strong allies like elder, echinacea, ginger, and thyme, among others. One option for utilizing these herbs is by making a simple recipe like these DIY cold and…

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3 Cooling Herbal Teas For Summer | Herbal Academy | Looking for ways to beat the summer heat? Find relief with these 3 cooling herbal teas for summer that your family and friends will love!
  ON July 27,2017

3 Cooling Herbal Teas For Summer

The long, lazy days of summer can be an idyllic respite from the hustle and bustle and routine of the rest of the year—in some ways summer just feels easier. Schedules relax a bit and many of us make more time for play and relaxation. The long hours of daylight invite earlier mornings or late…

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  ON June 09,2015

10 Elderflower Recipes and Uses

The elegant elderflower – if you’ve been noticing large, creamy blossoms on forest edges, then you’re probably seeing the flower of the elder. In this post, we are sharing an assortment of elderflower recipes to try yourself. Like us, we hope you find the flower an alluring early-summer resource! It seems appropriate that the elder is…

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Goldenrod for allergy season
  ON March 25,2014

4 Natural Allies for Allergy Season

With the recent passing of the vernal equinox, we have now officially entered the season of spring. For many of us, this time of year translates to longer days, the planting of our herbal gardens, and an ever-increasing need to wear sunglasses. For others of us, this time of year translates to allergy season. Indeed,…

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