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4 Options for Herbal Ground Cover
  ON May 08,2021

5 Easy to Grow Perennial Herbs for Busy Gardeners

For anyone who has attempted gardening, it can be hugely disappointing to spend an entire weekend setting up your garden and then watch your garden plants decline or wither because you were wrapped up in work and life responsibilities and didn’t have time to take care of it. On the other hand, having a garden…

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  ON May 06,2021

Moon-Inspired Herbal Pancakes and Cookies

It was a full moon day, so I decided to create herbal pancakes and cookies inspired by the moon. This is how I often start my kitchen creations. Intuitively, I choose from my collection of natural ingredients. I am inspired by nature and I like to create from feeling. I rarely follow recipes. Colors are…

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Vining Herbs: Take Gardening to New Heights | Herbal Academy | Vining herbs make a flourish in the garden and, if you choose the right plants, they can also be a helpful addition to your home apothecary.
  ON May 04,2021

Vining Herbs: Take Gardening to New Heights

Vining plants do so much for a garden. Vertical climbing plants take up minimal ground space and add height and texture to the garden scape. They will hide unsightly garden walls or become a whimsical focal point when grown on an arched trellis or pergola. Trellised vining plants grown on porches and patios can provide…

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  ON April 30,2021

Bedtime Herbal Bitters Recipe

Making your own herbal remedies feels empowering in a cultural climate that seems increasingly disconnected from nature. There’s a beauty to the process, and a sense of simplicity, too. One of the most accessible remedies for new herbalists is a tincture of bitter herbs. It’s easy to make, and it gives you a little freedom…

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California Poppy Benefits + Recipe | Herbal Academy | Learn a materia medica on the beneficial California poppy benefits, plus a recipe for California Poppy Vinegar.
  ON April 29,2021

California Poppy Benefits + Recipe

California poppy (Eschscholzia californica), the state flower of California, is a beautiful wildflower that has been an ally to western-dwelling Indigenous peoples for long before there was a United States, let alone a United States Pharmacopeia. In this post, I will share with you a materia medica on the beneficial California poppy benefits, which should…

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Safe Essential Oils For Pregnancy | Herbal Academy | What makes an essential oil safe during pregnancy? In this article we will explore important aspects of safe essential oils for pregnancy.
  ON April 27,2021

Essential Oils in Pregnancy

What makes an essential oil safe to use during pregnancy?  Essential oils are potent extractions of the most volatile components found in plant matter.  Thus, each botanical species should be carefully considered before use.  Further, essential oils should be more heavily diluted for use during this time—one important aspect of safe essential oils for pregnancy.  …

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How to Schedule Your Day Based on Energy Levels | Herbal Academy | Featured Image
  ON April 20,2021

How to Schedule Your Day Based on Energy Levels

Ayurveda teaches that one of the root causes of health imbalances is living out of harmony with nature. However, living in harmony with nature is no small feat, especially in the modern day. Furthermore, what exactly does it mean to “live in harmony?” Fortunately, Ayurveda offers a rich perspective on this. Your constitution, the seasons,…

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  ON April 19,2021

Bee Propolis: The Honey Bee’s Secret To Hive Health

We all know that honey bees create delicious honey and beautiful wax, but they also make a fantastic substance called bee propolis. Like honey, propolis offers a myriad of scientifically researched benefits.  Propolis is a sticky “bee glue” that is used inside honey bee colonies. Composed of tree resins, wax, essential oils, pollen, and other…

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  ON April 16,2021

How and Why To Start an Herb Garden 

As a kid growing up in Ohio, I really looked forward to the growing season. My father always had a love for plants (mainly flowers) and would take us to the local garden centers to grab the flowers for that year’s gardens. However, when our family first moved into our house there were no plants…

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Herbal Soap Recipe for Eczema | Herbal Academy | If herbal skincare formulation is something you enjoy, check out this soap recipe for eczema! Crafting your own soaps is meditative and fun.
  ON April 14,2021

Herbal Soap Recipe for Eczema

If you’re living with eczema, bathing may cause more pain than pleasure. However, there is hope! Switching from commercial soaps to an herb-infused soap recipe for eczema may be all you need to start to feel some relief. A few months back we walked through how to create herbal oils that could be used in…

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