Holiday Home Essential Oil Diffuser Blend Recipe
Whether we’re baking our favorite pies and cookies, decorating with fresh greenery, or making crafts and gifts using herbs and spices, we enjoy the special aromas that accompany these activities during the holidays. There truly is an enchanting, warming scent to the season.
This Holiday Home Diffuser Blend recipe we are sharing below is another easy way to make your home smell fantastic and cozy this time of year. This blog post is a sneak peek into Your Holiday Essential Oils and Recipes, an aromatic guide available to all members of our membership platform, The Herbarium.
Before we get to the recipe, let’s take a look at two plant profiles from herbs used in the Holiday Home Diffuser Blend recipe.
CLOVE (Syzygium aromaticum)
Botanical Family: Myrtaceae
Part of Plant: Dried flower buds
Safety NoteÂ
- May cause skin and mucous membrane irritation or sensitizatio
- The maximum recommended concentration for topical use is up to 0.5%
- Avoid using clove with children under 6 years
- Avoid using on any sensitive or damaged skin
Therapeutic Properties
- Analgesic
- Antirheumatic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antiviral
- Antibacterial
- Carminative
- Anticoagulant
- Immunostimulant
- Antifungal
- Rubefacient
- Antioxidant
- Warming
- Commonly used in dental preparations
- Helps with pain and inflammation
- Beneficial for digestive support when gently massaged onto the abdomen
- Emotionally warming and comforting
- Promotes greater self-assurance and fosters confidence during challenging times or unexpected transitions
SWEET ORANGE (Citrus x sinensis)
Botanical Family: Rutaceae
Part of Plant: Fruit peel
Safety Note
- May cause skin irritation
- Use in low dilution (1-2%) when applying to the skin, such as in bath or massage oils
- Older, oxidized oils increase the potential for skin irritation
- Sweet orange is not phototoxic
Therapeutic Properties - Analgesic
- Anti-inflammatory
- Antibacterial
- Antidepressant
- Antioxidant
- Antispasmodic
It is important to use small amounts of essential oil if you choose to diffuse known irritating oils, or when diffusing any essential oil around pets or young children, and to diffuse intermittently, allowing some fresh air exchange. For more information about working with essential oils, see our Guide to Essential Oil Safety, Hot and Spicy Essential Oils for Winter, and How to Make Your Home Smell Good with Essential Oil Diffuser Blends.Â
For more holiday essential oil diffuser blend recipes and aromatic plant profiles, view the complete Your Holiday Essential Oils and Recipes guide written by Colleen Quinn of LabAroma via The Herbarium.
Holiday Home Diffuser Blend
This Holiday Home Diffuser Blend adds an enchanting, warming scent to the season.
3 drops sweet orange essential oil (Citrus x sinensis)
2 drops cinnamon bark essential oil (Cinnamomum verum)
1 drop clove essential oil (Syzygium aromaticum)