Results for Category: Herbal Recipes To Try
7 Foods and Herbs to Add to Your Diet for Postpartum Nourishment + A Nourishing Stew Recipe
The first weeks after birth are a very special chapter like no other—this period can be one of the biggest physical, emotional, and spiritual transitions someone will go through in their lifetime. Postpartum is the time to recover, for both parent and child. The baby slowly gets used to the new world and an intimate…
Warming Herbal Foot Soak With Cinnamon and Magnesium
You’re going to want to step into this warm, grounding herbal foot soak with cinnamon and magnesium this winter. Long days of co...
A Healthy Nursing Tea Blend to Increase Milk Supply and Nourish Your Baby
Nursing is a close, intimate, and emotional relationship between a parent and child. Nourishing your baby and bonding over this sp...
Astragalus Chai With Bone Broth
The fire is lit and roaring. Deep orange flames undulate and flicker as the cold white snow falls just outside your door. The days of winter shed a chill of lower temperatures. These colder months are a time for many to find a slower pace, to seek the shelter of the indoors, and to partake…
DIY Herbal Vapor Rub
Making your own herbal vapor rub is a great way to use your essential oil collection while creating a natural alternative to mass-produced mentholated rubs. This recipe features eucalyptus (Eucalyptus globulus) essential oil. This invigorating oil is steam distilled from the leaves of the evergreen tree, which is native to Australia and well-known for its…
How to Make a Simple Chai Syrup
I love any opportunity to share the richness of relationships with plants and have always felt that handmade gifts are the most pr...
Homemade Hot Toddy for Cold and Flu
My first memories of a hot toddy are from childhood. One of my family’s home remedies for cold and flu, hot toddies were somethi...
How to Make Rosehip Syrup
Rose hips are my favorite herbal ally to call on when making a syrup. The constituency profile and energetics of rose hips mesh so well with preservation and delivery by syrup. Let’s look at what makes rose hips the perfect ally for syrup making, and some of the reasons we might make an herbal syrup….
DIY Herbal Halloween Lollipop Recipe
It’s officially time to break out those cauldrons and brew up something sweet for a Halloween treat! This homemade herbal lollipop recipe is a delicious candy filled with rich flavor and simple ingredients. Watch the Golden Liquid Rise As the concoction bubbled and boiled, I felt like a Sanderson sister stirring up something on a…
Naturally Tinted Homemade Lip Balm Recipe
Autumn is here, showing its beauty again with warm and earthy colors and accents of red, yellow, and orange—which means time for...