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    Results for Category: beverages

  ON May 16,2023

Antioxidant Herbal Power Punch With a Classic Fruity Flavor

Spring has sprung, and even though we’re not exactly feeling the truth of that up in the northeastern United States, I am hopeful that warmer weather is on the way–so hopeful that I have been preemptively planning and practicing my go-to beverages for summer as if I could will the passing of these cold days…

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  ON March 29,2023

How to Make a Cold-Infused Wild Soda

The following excerpt and wild soda recipes are from Pascal Baudar’s book The Wildcrafter Brewer (Chelsea Green Publishing, Feb. 2018) and is reprinted with permission from the publisher. This method is fantastic for making quick sodas out of your favorite hiking place or to study the flavors of whole environments. Unlike most beers, you really…

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  ON November 15,2022

Mood-Boosting Hot Cacao Recipe

The dark season is approaching, a time of inner reflection and tranquility. As the days become shorter, the decrease in daylight hours may dampen one’s mood. Especially in the months of late fall and winter, it is helpful to create rituals that promote our sense of strength and cheer. Even if it is not always…

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