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    Results for the searched words: Kapha

Kapha Massage Oil Recipe (Late Winter and Early Spring) | Herbal Academy | This kapha massage oil recipe features herbs and spices with a warming and invigorating energy, which makes it great for cold weather.
  ON September 02,2020

Kapha Massage Oil Recipe (Late Winter and Early Spring)

Massage oil, especially when infused with herbs, can be more than just a feel-good skin moisturizer. Ayurveda teaches that fat is closely connected to love, satisfaction, and protection (Svoboda, 1999). In addition to nourishing and nurturing the skin, using herbally infused homemade massage oils produces a grounding, supportive, and protective effect on the body and…

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Herbal Support for Menopause + An Herbal Formula for Dryness by Herbal Academy
  ON June 28,2024

Herbal Support for Menopause + An Herbal Formula for Dryness

While studying Ayurveda, our teacher emphasized many times that “menopause is not a disease.” Though there are often symptoms associated with the transition from the menstruating years to menopause, menopause is a natural biological process and is simply part of the normal life cycle. Some individuals are fortunate enough to experience a relatively symptom-free menopause….

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Lunar Herbalism: Plants Associated with the Moon by Herbal Academy
  ON April 10,2024

Lunar Herbalism: Plants Associated with the Moon

Studying the relationship between our botanical allies and planetary bodies is another way to understand plant energetics from a broad (perhaps universal!) perspective. This article will explore how certain herbs exemplify and express the qualities of one of our most beloved luminaries, the Moon.  As we deepen our relationship with plants and nature, we may…

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  ON July 11,2023

The Three Aspects of Taste in Ayurveda

In our new Ayurveda and Digestive Health Intensive in The Herbarium, Ayurvedic practitioner and Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher Greta Kent-Stoll, delves into the foundational concepts of ayurvedic eating, such as the six tastes, and the role that each of the three doshas plays in digestive health. You will learn how to recognize vata-, pitta-, or kapha-type digestive…

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  ON June 20,2023

How Does Scent Affect Mood?

On an intuitive and experiential level, many of us are aware of the connection between scent and mood. Though some may tune into the significance of scent more consciously than others, our sense of smell is intimately related to our emotions and even cognitive function and spatial awareness (Fifth Sense, 2021). Furthermore, appealing scents enhance…

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  ON May 19,2023

Homemade Crackers With Scallions and Black Mustard Seeds

Until a couple of months ago, I never thought to make homemade crackers. Crackers were one of those things that I only enjoyed when store-bought. However, making crackers in your own kitchen is surprisingly easy and fun—also, you can get creative with the ingredients and you always know exactly what goes into your savory snacks….

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  ON January 12,2023

To Tonify or Purify? That Is the Question

As we bid ado to the year gone by and welcome a fresh new turn of the calendar, it is not uncommon to crave practices that create a sense of clarity and renewal. After holiday feasts and merriment, you may yearn for simpler foods or wonder if it’s time for a cleanse. However, with the…

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  ON November 12,2022

Herbs for Health and Cheer During Winter

As we head into the darker, cooler months of winter, many of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and activities of the holidays. Some of us may pine for quiet snow days and the opportunity to turn within and reflect. Or, depending on where you live, winter may take on a slightly different flavor….

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