20 Dec 2021

Make a Plant Wand To Clear Holiday Stress

The holidays can be a stressful time. Despite messages of good tidings and merriment, the pressure of gift-giving, old traumas, or feeling lonely are all common emotional responses. Just like lighting a candle or burning incense, creating and burning plant wands gives off those same therapeutic properties. Igniting a shift and inviting in a sense of uplifting energy as it smolders. The act of lighting a candle, smoke cleansing, and burning incense is a practice that has transcended generations. Burning plant material has a powerful effect on your mood. This holiday season, lace up your walking shoes, step out into nature, and find these three wonderful herbs to help keep the holiday stress at bay.  

Herbs of the Season

The power of these three herbs is a true energy shift, a way to reset. Ignite some positivity and peace with each leaf burned. 

close up photo of rosemary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

The familiar aromatic smell of rosemary is an instant stimulation. Renowned for memory recall and mental enhancement, rosemary is also known as a folk remedy for anxiety, depression, insomnia, lethargy, nervousness, fatigue, exhaustion, stress, headaches, and migraines (Herbal Academy, n.d.). Is there anything rosemary can’t do? When used in a plant wand for smoke cleansing, rosemary will waft over you and instantly lift your mood. The base of this wand craft is rosemary for good reason. 

close up of pine needles

Pine (Pinus strobus L.)

When I think forest bathing, I think pine. Taking in a deep breath of fresh needles is euphoric. The clean, wintery, strong evergreen trees have a special way of easing stress. The stimulating effects of pine’s volatile oils help move stuck energy. As a nervine, it is calming and grounding, helping to quiet the mind. Even just being among the pine trees has a grounding, soothing effect (Herbal Academy, n.d.). Placing a few sprigs of pine in this plant wand gives a layer of purification that is sometimes needed during the holidays. 

cutting juniper to make a plant wand

Juniper (Juniperus spp.)

History has shown us through traditions across the world that juniper was used “against bad magic, plague, and various negative influences” (Herbal Academy, n.d.). The incense of juniper has been used as protection and to detoxify and shift energy. When burned, juniper can help bring harmony and banish negativity. Adding juniper to a plant wand is just what is needed in times of stress. 

making a plant wand

wrapping twine around a plant wand

Plant Wands

Here’s how to easily make your own seasonal plant wand to soothe holiday stress. 


Base plant – 2 large sprigs of Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
Secondary plant – 1 large sprig of Pine (Pinus strobus L.)
Top plant – 2 small clippings of Juniper (Juniperus spp.)

  • Use the rosemary as a base.
  • Begin by placing the pine on top of the rosemary.
  • Next, place the juniper on the pine.
  • Create a small bundle in your hand.
  • Wrap the three plants together, starting at the bottom.
  • Wrap until you reach the top and tie off the string.

To Use:

This plant wand can be burned fresh or dried. In a well-ventilated area, light your plant wand from the top. Blow out the fire and allow the smoke to waft around you. This plant wand can help prepare a space for practices such as yoga and meditation, giving your mind and body a fresh start. 

In Closing, 

The outside world and all of its offerings are truly remarkable. From providing nourishment through food, balance through tea, and mood enhancement through aroma, plants are here to help, especially during the holidays. 

This holiday season, step out into nature and find these herbs to make your own plant wand and keep holiday stress at bay.  


Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Rosemary monograph [Online Article]. Herbal Academy Herbarium. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). White pine monograph [Online Article]. Herbal Academy Herbarium. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/

Herbal Academy. (n.d.). Juniper monograph [Online Article]. Herbal Academy Herbarium. Retrieved from https://herbarium.theherbalacademy.com/