Best Herbs for Lungs and Respiratory Support
When addressing viral respiratory infections, we want to think about herbs that have strong immune or antiviral actions in addition to herbs for lungs and basic respiratory support. During the current outbreak of viral infection, it’s better to use what you already have on hand than to spend an extended amount of time out of…

COVID-19 School Lunch Programs: Keeping Children Fed
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, we’ve become particularly aware of the simple, daily blessings that we take for granted, including access to healthy, year-round produce. As we collectively give thanks for what we’re fortunate to have — from a safe home, to a healthy meal, to our ability to care for our families’ wellbeing —…

Safe Antiviral Herbs for Autoimmune Disease
Immune support is on everybody’s mind right now, and not just for our own benefit but also for the greater good! The changing news and recommendations during the current outbreak of viral illness is enough to make even those who are generally well a little bit uneasy about what to do. For individuals who have…

3 Alcohol-Based Hand Rub Recipes
The most important prevention measures we can take right now are staying home and practicing social distancing if leaving the house for essential work or trips to the grocery store or pharmacy—that is, staying at least 6 feet away from other people (Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2020a). Washing hands thoroughly with soap and warm…

Safety Discussion: Elderberry and Immune Stimulation Concerns
There has been a great deal of discussion here and elsewhere on whether or not elderberry should be used during the current outbreak of viral illness. For many of us, elderberry is already a common part of supportive care during cold and flu season. Naturally, we’re curious about whether it’s appropriate for use now, and…

5 Tips to Help Ward Off and Manage a Viral Illness With Herbs
Post Updated 3/18/2020 When viral illnesses are running rampant, here are 5 tips to help you ward off and manage viral illness with herbs. Tip #1: Prevention Is Key! When it comes to avoiding a viral infection, the following preventative measures will go a long way in helping you avoid contracting a virus. Hygiene &…