Pain-be-Gone Valerian Cordial with Willow
This Pain-be-Gone Valerian Cordial is the answer to what to do with valerian root. Valerian officinalis is known for soothing, relaxant properties in the presence of aches and pains, and for most, it is calming in the face of stress. However, it is also infamous for its unpleasant taste and smell! Thankfully, this valerian cordial…

9 Ways To Use Valerian, Valeriana officinalis
Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is a lovely garden plant with pinkish-white aromatic flowers. A perennial to Zone 4, valerian thrives in sun to partial shade, is easily propagated, and requires little care. Plant it in the back of your garden, though, since it can grow up to six feet tall! Valerian is more than a garden…

Getting to Know the Valerian Plant
In my last article, I wrote about the lovely aroma of elder flowers. Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is on the other end of the fragrance spectrum. Although some people like the smell of valerian (I’m one of them), many say that it reminds them of “dirty sweat socks.” Dioscorides and Galen must have felt the same way, since they referred…