ON September 03,2021

Nerve Tea With Oatstraw and Skullcap

This herbal nerve tea recipe combines skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora), a superior relaxing nervine, oatstraw (Avena sativa), a nervous system trophorestorative, and violet (Viola odorata), an overall nerve restorative, to simultaneously soothe agitation and strengthen the overall function of the nervous system (Holmes, 1989a; Holmes, 1989b).  Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum) is another go-to herb for nerve support…

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Herbal Allergy Support Using Ayurvedic Herbs | The Herbal Academy | Allergies can manifest in many ways. Learn about ayurvedic herbal allergy support to take steps toward greater balance and optimum wellness.
  ON July 20,2021

Mood and Mental Support for Pitta Dosha

Pitta dosha, the most fiery of the three ayurvedic types, relates to solar energy and rules the summer season. Pitta types run warm, tend to have warm-colored complexions, and aren’t afraid of competition and intensity. In fact, they welcome it (sometimes to their own detriment!). These bold, fiery types are naturally intense, driven, and competitive,…

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