Herbs and Lifestyle Tips for Work-Life Balance
We live in challenging times; for many, balancing work, childcare, parental caretaking, and overseeing children’s education requirements is exhausting. Over the past decade, we have continued to experience the erosion of boundaries between work and home life. Yet, today, the impact of a worldwide pandemic has compounded the challenges of maintaining this work-life balance as…

Spiritual Heart Medicine: How To Use Herbs for Emotional Self-Care
Humans are emotional beings, though, in our modern society, we often place importance on the physical body. This focus can lead to ignoring the subtle, and sometimes not so subtle, messages from our emotional body. While it may feel easier to put attention on the physical body, tending to emotional self-care is necessary for overall…

5 Daily Self-Care Practices to Implement This Year
The start of the new year is a wonderful time to reset intentions and adopt new and better methods of self-care. Also, Valentine’s Day may provide the inspiration to not only express love outwardly but to also give yourself a little self-love and extra care as well. Daily self-care practices are more than pampering or the…

3 Steps for an Herbal-Infused Pedicure for Beautiful Nails and Soft Feet
Do you live in a warm climate and sport sandals daily or tread often in bare feet? Regardless of the climate you live in or the frequency with which you walk barefoot, your feet can easily become tired and worn. Don’t neglect the bottom of your soles, heels, or nails! Each can truly benefit from…

Two Personal Inhaler Essential Oil Blends To Help You Through Stressful Times
I think it’s safe to assume that everyone, at some point, feels the weight of stress in his or her life. Whether it’s kids, school, work, or some other demand, stress is an expected part of life. Stress is rarely something that can be avoided, and thankfully, it isn’t always a bad thing. Stress can…

How to Create a Nourishing Milk Bath for Self Care
Water is an essential element for our physical well being and can be an incredible tool for practicing self care. Of course, you maybe thinking of a steamy natural hot spring or ocean waves lapping on the shore. While each are incredibly relaxing, they are not widely available for most of us in our everyday…

Autumn Energetics And Self-Care
Summer is officially a wrap. The barbecues and pool parties have ceased, children are back to school, and you might be reminiscing over your vacation experiences (or looking longingly at others’ vacation photos on social media!). Gardeners have harvested their peak season of tomatoes and melons, while the lettuces and leafy greens emerge from their…

Stress Management For Parents: 3 Ways To Deeply Care For Yourself
“Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer to others. Anytime we can listen to the true self and give it the care it requires, we do not only for ourselves but for the many others…