Behind The Scenes: Take A Tour of The Herbal Academy’s Newest Feature… The Herbal Bookshelf!
We’d like to introduce the newest feature of the Herbal Academy website – The Herbal Bookshelf! If you’ve been following along with our blog, you may have noticed our regular posts of some of our favorite books by category or the extensive list: 101 Herbal Books To Build Your Herbal Library. After compiling a handful…
Introducing 3 New Herbarium Features To Help You Grow As An Herbalist
Over the last three years, The Herbarium has become a cherished resource, providing herbalists of all skill levels with in-depth resources to advance their herbal learning through constantly updated herbal monographs, thoughtful articles, and educational podcasts, videos, and charts. We are pleased to announce that even more resources are being released to The Herbarium community…
A Comprehensive School Directory & Guide to Finding the Best Herbal Education For You!
It is, after all, transformation that all the best herbal schools encourage, enabling and supporting our transitioning into informed and empowered plant healers who have amazing gifts to share with this world. – Plant Healer, Herbal Education Guide & Herbal School Directory, p. 26 It is in this spirit that the wonderful folks at Plant…
The Most Magical Spring Harvest
Over the month of September, we challenged our readers, students, and herbal community to connect with the WILD side of herbalism –sharing pictures about foraging and using wild herbs! We enjoyed seeing so many wonderful, inspiring pictures. We enjoyed previewing your apothecary, foraging adventures, medicine making experiences, and new wild discoveries. So many beautiful entries, but there can only be one winner……
Plantain, A Story
We have plantain growing all over our yard. I’m a new, not yet budding herbalist, and I have yet to use it. I have been lying in wait for someone in my household to get a bug bite so that I could try crunching up a leaf and making a spit poultice. I have been…
Giving Thanks for the Fall Harvest
The time has come again. Fall is right around the corner and it is time to start collecting and harvesting what Mother Earth has given to us. She has been very good to us this year, here in Michigan, with all the good heavy rainfall that we had at the beginning of spring which has…
My Wild Life Giveaway with Traditional Medicinals
As summer turns into fall, many herbalists and students of herbalism revel in the splendor of this turning of the seasons. As the nights become longer and the days become crispy, we work to harvest all of the lovely botanicals that have thrived and grown during those long, hot summer days. Harvest time is filled…
Red Clover Blossoms
How many times have you walked passed these red clover blossoms without even a second thought? I remember picking them as a little girl and being struck by their beautiful purple color whilst sucking out the sweet nectar from their blossoms. Little did I know just how magical they were, with such a long list…
How to Make Gold Milk with a Spin!
Have you been enjoying the #myherbalstudies community on Instagram? We are building community with fellow classmates, teachers, members and fans and readers by using the hashtag #myherbalstudies in Instagram uploads. We welcome you to join in the fun. Share your herbal adventures – what are you making, foraging, gardening, studying, creating, eating, preserving? Nothing is…