How to Make Holiday-Inspired Melt and Pour Soap for Easy Gift Giving
Pour out a batch of holiday cheer perfect for someone you think is very dear! This easy-to-make (and customize) melt and pour soap is an herbal gift everyone will enjoy. Simple ingredients, handcrafted techniques, and a touch of plant power make this herbal DIY a wonderful way to ring in the season. Soap Making…

How to Decorate Your Home With Fresh Greenery
Make your home come alive this holiday season by bringing the outdoors in with fresh greenery! The festive and cozy feeling that lush greens bring is enough to put anyone in the holiday spirit. With a little bit of planning and creativity, you can create stunning displays that you’ll find yourself wanting to repeat year…

5 Herbal Chocolate Bark Recipes for the Holidays
With a whole string of winter holidays ahead, the busiest gift-giving time of year is upon us. One of my holiday strategies is to keep a little stash of goodies I can grab on my way out the door to whatever gathering is on the schedule. I find that homemade gifts always make a good…

The Ultimate Herbal Gift Guide for Herbal Students, Entrepreneurs, Formulators, and More!
With the holidays right around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about gifts for the herbalist in your life! Or perhaps you are the herbalist and want to drop a few hints to your friends and family. Either way, we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive gift guide for herbalists of all levels and…

Herbs for Health and Cheer During Winter
As we head into the darker, cooler months of winter, many of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and activities of the holidays. Some of us may pine for quiet snow days and the opportunity to turn within and reflect. Or, depending on where you live, winter may take on a slightly different flavor….

Make a Plant Wand To Clear Holiday Stress
The holidays can be a stressful time. Despite messages of good tidings and merriment, the pressure of gift-giving, old traumas, or feeling lonely are all common emotional responses. Just like lighting a candle or burning incense, creating and burning plant wands gives off those same therapeutic properties. Igniting a shift and inviting in a sense…

Essential Oil Perfume: A DIY Gift Idea
The holidays are a wonderful time to give something that the receiver wouldn’t normally indulge themselves in. Something pretty, or something sentimental, or something handmade. An essential oil perfume recipe checks all those boxes! Crafting a unique scent is a fun way to show care to the receiver, and to pull in special memories through…

3 DIY Herbal Skincare Gifts for the Holiday Season
As this year is coming to an end, we are busy getting ready for the holidays. To show appreciation for our loved ones in a more meaningful way, creating DIY herbal skincare gifts during the holiday season is a wonderful option! Furthermore, it is a great opportunity to take time for yourself to slow down…

How to Make Apple Spiced Liqueur
It is November. A cold chill has settled, blanketing the days with lower temperatures. It is time for cozy fires, warm food, and spiced drinks. This homemade apple spiced liqueur recipe gives your taste buds a welcome dose of sweet and spice, with a little bit of heat. The sweet taste of apples with cinnamon…

Balance Your Holiday Menu With Ayurvedic Six Tastes
Ayurveda teaches that all things in nature are made up of some combination of the five elements: earth, water, fire, air, and ether. This means that our bodies, the food we eat, the herbs that we benefit from, and even colors and aromas—are made of some combination of the five elements. This five-element paradigm is…