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Introducing The Most Complete Herbalism Textbooks in Beginner and Intermediate Levels | Herbal Academy | Two of our foundational online herbal courses are now available in print textbooks! Learn more in this post!
  ON October 20,2020

Sneak Peek into our Virtual Herbal Book Fair

This autumn, as the days become shorter and the nights start to stretch longer, we’re bringing our studies indoors, preparing warm herbal infusions and potent decoctions. The cooler months are opportune for settling in with a good herbal book from our collection to keep our minds active and continue our learning all through the season….

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As a Black Herbalist, These are my 3 Favorite Herbalism Books | Herbal Academy | Herbalist and blogger Kendra Payne shares and summarizes her three favorite herbalism books written by black authors.
  ON September 15,2020

As a Black Herbalist, These are my 3 Favorite Herbalism Books

As a child, I remember going out into nature, pulling weeds, putting them in jars, and making what I called “science projects” to hide in the cupboards of my parents’ house. In my way, I was practicing herbalism, even though I didn’t know it at the time and hadn’t encountered any herbalism books or resources….

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5 Herbal Lifestyle Books To Read This Year | Herbal Academy | If incorporating herbalism into your lifestyle is appealing to you, here are 5 of our favorite herbal lifestyle books to help you get started!
  ON August 01,2018

5 Herbal Lifestyle Books To Read This Year

There are many paths to herbalism. Some of us may have had a more direct path stemming from a pure interest in botany, foraging, or making herbal preparations. Others, in efforts to nourish our bodies with more natural, simple ingredients, may have stumbled across the herbal approach as a happy accident. As our understanding of…

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5 Foraging Guide Books To Help You Identify & Harvest Plants | Herbal Academy | Would you like to know more about identifying and harvesting plants? Here are 5 foraging guide books to get you started on your journey!
  ON July 07,2017

5 Foraging Guide Books To Help You Identify & Harvest Plants

I will always remember the first time someone pointed out plantain to me. I had been hiking with a friend who had studied herbalism, and after she mentioned plantain a few times, I finally asked if she was talking about the banana plant. After showing me the familiar curbstone sprout and explaining its uses and…

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The Free Herbal Materia Medica Course by Herbal Academy – You will learn where to look for quality herbal information and how to research. You’ll receive an extensive list of references––from books to online websites and databases––to help get you get started in your journey.
  ON June 07,2017

5 Herbal Books for the Complete Beginner

As a newcomer to this field, it is easy to dive in enthusiastically, only to feel a little lost once knee-deep into one concept or another. Having just a few herbal books that go over a little bit of everything and are geared toward the complete beginner can provide some stable footing and help inspire…

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101 Herbal Books | Herbal Academy | In an effort to help you determine which herbal books are right for you, we have compiled 101 herbal books on our shelves that have contributed to our education and career development.
  ON December 05,2016

101 Herbal Books To Build Your Herbal Library

As we so often remind our readers and students, learning herbalism is a lifelong journey to be savored and experienced. It is an endeavor to be nurtured with hands-on practice, study with experienced teachers, and learning from the many herbal books written by herbalists of all traditions and approaches, both modern and historical. As herbalists,…

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6 of the Best Books For Your Advanced Herbal Studies | Herbal Academy | As an herbalist, it's important to continue to build your herbal library. Here are 6 of the best books for your advanced herbal studies to get started.
  ON June 29,2016

6 Of The Best Books For Your Advanced Herbal Studies

Building a home library is essential for beginning herbalists because it allows you to cross reference different views and glean more information about a topic while you study. Continuing to add to your herbal library is also very important for advanced and career herbalists, but what are the best books for your advanced herbal studies?…

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Giveaway: Body Into Balance | Herbal Academy | Win a copy of Maria Noël Groves's new book, Body Into Balance!
  ON June 26,2016

Giveaway: Body Into Balance

We love Herbal Academy educator Maria Noël Groves’s new book, Body Into Balance, so much that we’ve teamed up to give you the chance to win a FREE copy of your own! This book is all about taking a holistic approach to your health and how herbs can fit in with that. Sure, healthy patterns of…

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Giveaway: Body Into Balance | Herbal Academy | Win a copy of Maria Noël Groves's new book, Body Into Balance!
  ON May 04,2016

Book Review: Body Into Balance

Herbalism has much to offer to help us maintain vibrant minds and healthy bodies. When utilized in a holistic approach in conjunction with healthy patterns of nourishment, sleep, exercise, and other self-care methods, herbs are a powerful tool for supporting wellness. In her new book, Body Into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self Care, herbalist…

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