Herbs for Health and Cheer During Winter
As we head into the darker, cooler months of winter, many of us look forward to the sights, sounds, and activities of the holidays. Some of us may pine for quiet snow days and the opportunity to turn within and reflect. Or, depending on where you live, winter may take on a slightly different flavor….

Nourishing Herbal Soup Seasoning Mix
A healthy immune system serves as your personal smooth-running militia, with the number one goal of protecting your body from pathogenic invaders. Especially these days, it’s so important to build a stronger immunity and there is a lot you can do so that it can work effectively when you need it. On a cold winter…

How To Make Jethro Kloss’s Herbal Liniment
One of the first herbal books I owned was Back To Eden by Jethro Kloss. It was given to me by a friend who knew I was interested in herbalism and wanted to encourage me to pursue this path. At first, I didn’t realize what a treasure I had been given, but over the years,…