Homemade Butter with Lavender, Cardamom, and Fresh Flowers by Herbal Academy
  ON May 13,2024

Homemade Butter with Lavender, Cardamom, and Fresh Flowers

As we progress into spring and colorful, eye-popping buds open into bloom, you may be inspired to find more ways to incorporate edible flowers into your herbal preparations and culinary creations. Be it sweet or savory dishes, spreads, jams, or chutneys, edible flowers add color, flavor, and wellness benefits to everyday food items. Have you…

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Chai Spice Bath Melts Recipe by Herbal Academy
  ON November 30,2023

Let Your Winter Cares Melt Away With These Chai Spice Bath Melts

While many are familiar with the comforting experience of sipping a warm cup of chai, here at the Herbal Academy we have concocted another way to engage the properties of these herbs— chai spice bath melts. In this exploration, we will delve into masala chai herbs and learn how to create chai spice bath melts…

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A Must Try Fire Cider Recipe Using Unexpected Herbs by Herbal Academy
  ON September 27,2023

A Must Try Fire Cider Recipe Using Unexpected Herbs

Fire cider, the renowned vinegar-based infusion of pungent plants, is an altogether invigorating concoction with a real spicy history in traditional folk herbalism. In this article, we have a creative spin on the traditional fire cider with a Cranberries and Cardamom Fire Cider recipe we are sharing below! The story of fire cider recipe’s rise…

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  ON August 12,2022

Cultivating Clarity With Foods and Herbs

Most of us agree that a clear, peaceful mind is desirable. There are few of us who wish for an internal state that is characterized by turbulence and discord. Of course, cultivating and maintaining inner clarity is often easier said than done. However, we can take steps to create conditions for greater clarity and harmony…

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  ON June 03,2022

Sitopaladi Churna: Sweet Cough Powder for Respiratory Support

With spring in full swing, consider yourself fortunate if you are not affected by seasonal allergies or other respiratory issues. On the other hand, if you do experience sneezing, wheezing, coughing, and other respiratory allergy symptoms, you may find yourself looking for new methods of respiratory support. Or, perhaps you simply want to have some…

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How to Make the Perfect Cup of Chai for Your Dosha | Herbal Academy | If you enjoy chai tea, we hope the tips you find in this article will inspire you to make the perfect cup of chai according to your Ayurvedic dosha.
  ON February 08,2018

How to Make the Perfect Cup of Chai for Your Dosha

Forget bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens—chai is one of my favorite things. For me, a great cup of chai is right up there with puppies, autumn leaves, and twinkling Christmas lights. I don’t know if it’s the perfect blend of sweet, warming spices, the creaminess of the milk, or the happy caffeine buzz…

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