Sneak Peek into our Virtual Herbal Book Fair
This autumn, as the days become shorter and the nights start to stretch longer, we’re bringing our studies indoors, preparing warm herbal infusions and potent decoctions. The cooler months are opportune for settling in with a good herbal book from our collection to keep our minds active and continue our learning all through the season….

5 Enlightening Herbal Books About World Traditions
As a whole, herbalism is made up of many traditions from all over the world. Distinct schools of herbal thought have arisen across many time periods, cultures, and regions of the globe, with one thing in common: they all consider ways that plants help us heal. The theories that developed and the skills that have been passed…

3 Old-Timey Herb Books You Can Read Online
Herbalism is seeing a revival in our times, but there is still much we can learn from herbalists who came before us. The history of herbalism goes far, far back into time with the first known reference to medicinal herbs found on clay tablets of the ancient Sumerians. Many old herbal manuscripts are preserved in libraries…

Heal Local: 20 Essential Herbs for DIY Home Healthcare
Don’t miss our Heal Local book giveaway! See details at the end of the post! It was just a matter of time before the popularity of the local food movement expanded its influence to herbal medicine. Just like food, locally sourced herbal medicine brings something to the table – or the medicine cabinet, in this…

Spring Reads for Children
Reading with children is a wonderful way to feed their imaginations and open their eyes to new ideas. Reading about the natural world with children — well, that’s just magical. There is something about the way their eyes light up and their natural curiosity is piqued that makes exploring nature with children through books especially…

Spring Books for Children and Parents
Yesterday, I took a walk for the first time since winter made its hesitant retreat, leaving only a few remnants behind. These remnants are shadows of a figure that used to loom large and heavy. I am fearless now as I walk, carefully stepping on the edges of ice patches that line the road so that the breaking ice makes a satisfying crackle under…

HANE’s Top 10: The Best Vegan Books
The best vegan books – well, almost all vegan – brought to you by Lisa Kelly, the founder, personal chef, and blogger of The Vegan Pact. Lisa is joining HANE this September through November for the Vegan Cooking Series in Bedford, MA. We’ll be whipping up beginner vegan meals and more advanced plant-based entrées, mastering raw…

The China Study Cookbook Review & Giveaway
What one chooses to eat is often based on emotion and addictions, unconscious habits, and unquestioned cultural mores. Because how we eat affects not just our bodies, but the quality of our land, water, and air; human rights; and other beings, lifting food and diet out of the realm of the unconscious and into the…

Herbal Academy of New England’s Summer Reading List 2013
NUTRITIONAL HERBOLOGY By: Mark Pedersen This is a lovely reference guide to herbs and their nutritional and medicinal values as well as folk history. THE CHINA STUDY By: T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell ll, Howard Lyman and John Robbins If you haven’t read this one yet, don’t walk, run to your nearest book store….